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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87


“Mr. Oh is really entertaining. How could you call this place humble?” Sofia smiled at him.

“Honey… may I talk to Miss Lockhart in private?” Mr. Oh immediately looked at Kenny.

“Of course. She’s here to discuss some business, after all. Do you need me to prepare some snacks?” Kenny asked.


“Of course,” Sofia interrupted Mr. Oh. “Snacks would be lovely.” She then handed Kenny her wine glass and smiled at Mr. Oh. “Shall we?”

Almost immediately, Mr. Oh took her to his home office.

“Miss Lockhart-”

“Lawrence doesn’t know I’m here…” Sofia said. “Unless you wanted me to leak this…. secret rendezvous?” Sofia lifted an eyebrow, confidence oozing from her gaze. Mr. Oh’s eyes narrowed as he wondered what Sofia was so confident about.

“Then- May I know why Miss Lockhart is currently here? I don’t remember—”

“I know about the shipments…” Sofia said.

“I-” Mr. Oh’s heart skipped a beat when he heard her words. “What shipments is Miss Lockhart talking about?”


“I also know that you had something to do with Mrs. Phelps’ death,” Sofia said. “Yet, I decided to sit on it as… I was a coward.”

Sofia smiled.


“But then… I decided to fight fire with fire.” Sofia added. “So here I am…”

“Ah… before you do something stupid, then you should know that I have people outside the house. I also have my men outside of your illegitimate daughter’s house.”


“Don’t get me wrong. This is not a threat. Rather… this is protection. For when Lawrence tries to harm you.”

“What did you just-” Mr. Oh’s face paled. He stared at Sofia in disbelief. How did it all come to this? Just what the heck wen wrong?

“Now… shall we go ahead and start talking?” Before Mr. Oh could answer, there was a knock on the door, and Mrs. Kenny Oh walked in with some snacks in hand, a huge smile plastered on her face.


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