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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 88


Chapter 88 


It seems that Lawrence still thinks that he has a chance to get out of this,” Sofia said, smiling as she looked 

at the news

It had already been a week since Lawrence was allowed bail. Court cases like this took time, and that was a sad fact. However, the shareholders had already asked for Lawrence to be replaced and for him to resign as the CEO of the company

The scandal had caused them to lose too much money. Currently, the stocks were still going down, and everyone was waiting for LH GROUP to make their move. Sofia’s gaze landed on Karina, who was sitting right across from her with her coffee in hand

Karina had been working too hard to build a case against Lawrence. Sofia had been very grateful for her friend. This donut is literally perfect,Karina said as she sliced her favorite chocolateglazed donut. Next to the donut was a steaming hot coffeeher fifth for the day. And that man is going to rot in prison.” 

Sofia did not answer. Instead, she took a sip of her coffee. She couldn’t wait to see everyone’s reaction during the meeting later on

So, I heard something crazy,Karina said. I heard that some paparazzi have spotted your sister on a flight back to the US.” 

You read the gossip tabloids?Sofia asked, smiling

You don’t seem to be affected?Karina fired back, smirking at her

Why would that affect me?Sofia asked. Was she a celebrity

You have all the evidence that is enough to remove her from Hollywood,Karina said. She was talking about the video that she took in that closet


Why not just end her career?Karina asked

Because it’s not worth it,Sofia said. The only reason why she didn’t unleash the evidence was that Charlotte decided not to pursue the matter and simply left. Meanwhile, Daniel was currently receiving some treatment for his mental health.‘ 

You are too generous.” 

I am not,” Sofia chuckled. She married Daniel’s brother. At the end of the day, her husband was more handsome, wealthier, and overall better in everything. She was not someone who would continue delving into the past and let it consume her

All the things that happened made her realize that even giving them a small time of her day was not worth it. Those two completely deserved each other. Why would she stop them from having each other



What if they- they realized that you married you know who?Karina asked

This time, Sofia laughed. She could not imagine how chaotic it would be

So, when are we doing dress shopping?Karina asked while shoving another slice of donut in her mouth. Seeing her friend enthusiastically eat in front of her while wearing an allwhite suit made Sofia want to laugh. As someone without a sweet tooth, she wouldn’t be able to understand her friend at all

Soononce we announce it.Actually, she was intending to wear the wedding dresses that her mother designed. Her grandmother managed to keep the dresses safe. So, she was very excited to check them out

And you are planning on announcing it?Karina asked. I meanHold onare you going to do it to save the company?” 

Because of what Lawrence did, the company is currently in shambles. The investors are currently doubting the heir of the companySofia Lockhart. However, announcing her marriage to Alexander Beaumont would change everything. This time, they would not only look at Sofia’s potential but also her potential as someone related to the Beaumont Family

Sofia smiled, not saying another word. Actually, doing something like this would immediately solve the problem. The investors would see this as a cooperation between the Beaumont and the Lockhart Family

No. You are not going to do that,” Karina said. I know you. You are stubborn. You are probably going to prove to those people that you are capable. That you can run the company. That you are the perfect heir.” 

Again, Sofia did not answer. Instead, she looked outside the cafe, her mind swirling with ideas

Actually, her initial plan was to do what Karina said just now. Prove to the shareholders that she was capable and that she should become the next CEO of the company despite her young age. She wanted to look them in the eye and tell them how they messed up by choosing Lawrence

However, she does not intend to do that

Sofia actually realized something after everything that happened to her, and that wasshe has money. She could live the rest of her life without worrying about anything; her children can do that as well. Sowhy would she do something that she was not so passionate about

Why would she try to impress the people that she doesn’t actually like

This was not some idealistic novel. This is reality

She knew that right now, she was not prepared to take over the company. She needed more time to train, to learn

She was not arrogant enough to declare that she was some strong independent woman and scheme her way into a company. She doesn’t want to risk the jobs of thousands of people by mismanaging a conglomerate

To some people, this might be considered a weakness, maybe even stupidity. But Sofia doesn’t care. She 


would only get to live once! Why do something that she doesn’t actually like

For the first time in her life, Sofia finally made something that could change the course of her future

By the wayKarina’s words were interrupted when her gaze landed on a certain someone who just walked inside the cafe. “Hey- What are you- 


Sofia jolted upright, coffee splashing out of her mug and onto the pristine white tablecloth

What the?Sofia sputtered, scrambling to grab a napkin and dab at the spreading stain on her blouse

Her gaze snapped towards the direction where the water came from. Her face immediately turned ugly when she saw Charlotte standing there, a halfempty glass of water dripping in her hand

She didn’t actually see Charlotte walk towards her


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