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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

“I know this is your fight,” Alexander said, his expression serious as the car started moving away from the hospital. Since she did not sustain any serious damage, their doctor allowed her to leave. Moreover, it was safer this way as she did not want to deal with Daniel or Teresa or maybe even Charlotte right now. “But I can no longer let you do this alone.”

His words lingered inside the car, and for a moment, Sofia did not know what to say. She stared at his serious expression. Despite his healthy-looking face, there were still some bandages that can be seen on his forehead. The doctor said he did not suffer any major injuries, just some cuts here and there, nothing to be worried about. However, this is not enough to remove the fact that he suffered because of her.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“The game has changed,” he clenched his jaws. “Lawrence might leave the -country anytime soon. I know you wanted to have your revenge on your

but risking your life is not the way to do it.”


She narrowed her eyes. As much as she wanted to punish Lawrence for his sins, Sofia was still aware of the laws. She was not planning to kill him. No. Killing is an easy way out. Lawrence deserves to suffer until the day he dies. But leaving the country?

“To where?” she asked.

“I have yet to confirm this.”

She let out a sigh. “What are you thinking?” she asked.

“The spark that you did was too small,” Alexander said. “You are too forgiving.”

“What do you-” Forgiving? Too forgiving? She frowned. She already thought that she was being ruthless yet he is still calling her forgiving?

“Let me take care of it,” Alexander said,

She lifted an eyebrow. This was not his fight, and she didn’t want him to do something that could break the law. Why?

Because living with peace of mind is better than being awake at night, scared that your enemies found your dirty laundry and would use it against you.



Chapter 96

This might sound cowardly, but this was the harsh reality in the real world. She doesn’t want to sleep with one of her eyes open. And she didn’t want that kind of life for him too. “Are you asking for my permission?” she asked. He could do this without her. He could do whatever he wanted without her permission.

“Yes,” he nodded. “Playing games and scheming is fine but… I don’t want to see you die.”

She pursed her lips, her expression turning serious. In fact, she never expected that Lawrence would go to such lengths to harm her. She was the one who dragged Alexander into this matter. “Let me finish this off,” Sofia said. As much as she wanted to rely on him, this was indeed her fight. “I apologize for dragging you into this matter. I-” Her words stopped when he suddenly grabbed her hand.

“You didn’t drag me into anything,” he uttered, his voice almost like a whisper.

She stilled, surprised at his reaction. For some reason, his touch sent a jolt through her. It wasn’t a painful shock, but a sizzle that danced up her arm and settled low in her belly. His eyes, usually a cool gray, seemed to smolder with a different kind of intensity. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the attack, or maybe it was the way he was looking at her, but suddenly the air in the room felt thick and heavy.

Sofia swallowed hard, suddenly aware of the space between them. It wasn’t vast, just a breath really, but it felt charged. “Alexander,” she started, her voice husky, “I appreciate what you’re saying, but-‘

He cut her off, his thumb gently stroking a circle on the back of her hand. The simple touch sent shivers down her spine. “But what, Sofia?” His voice was a low rumble, sending goosebumps erupting across her skin.

She met his gaze, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs. “This is my mess. I should clean it up.” The words came out in a breathless whisper.


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