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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97

“Who did you say it was?” Lawrence frowned when he heard his secretary Min’s words.

“Miss Lianne Ramirez is causing a scene outside,” Min said, his face as cold as his voice. “She refused to leave.

“Do everything to make her leave.”

“She’s threatened to use social media to-”

“Then let her in, you idiot! What are you waiting for!?” Lawrence hissed before he leaned back in his chair. Just the mention of Lianne’s name was enough to ruin his already ugly mood. He glanced at his passport and other documents on his table before he grabbed each and every one of them and hid them in the drawer, making sure it was locked before Lianne arrived.

Lianne Ramirez…

He gritted his teeth.

He should have silenced that woman a long time ago, but he couldn’t. Sadly, he couldn’t.

Not long after, Min came back with Lianne in tow. Just as Lawrence expected, the woman looked like hell. Eyebags, a pale appearance, and a face that looked like she had drunk all booze in a store and snorted all drugs all day. Fucking hell.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

Lianne looked around his office, eyebrows lifting as if she couldn’t believe that he was staying in this place. Then she looked at Min. “You couldn’t even say Hi to your mother?”

“This is not the time for that,” Lawrence said, trying to calm his voice.

“Not time for greetings?” Lianne snorted. “Is this how you trained your children? To not even know how to greet their own mother?” Lianne looked at Min. “I spent forty weeks carrying you, bitch, the least that you can do is smile at me.” Her eyes were full of hatred-as always.

“If you came here to cause a scene

“I came to talk,” Lianne interrupted Lawrence. “I know you are leaving.”



Chapter 97

“Where did you hear that from?” Lawrence asked.

“Please” Lianne sat on the couch as she snorted. Then she looked at Min. “Can I get at least some coke? I am thirsty. Maybe whiskey if you have one. On the rocks.”

Hearing this, Min left the room without saying anything. Satisfied with her son’s reaction, Lianne looked at Lawrence. “I need money.”

“I can’t give you more.”

“Before you fucking leave…” Lianne said. She then took a cigarette and a lighter from her purse.

“You can’t smoke here…’

“Oh please…” Lianne snorted as she lit the cigarette. “The house isn’t even yours. Stop acting like you own it.”

Lawrence’s face immediately turned ugly.

“What?” Lianne snorted. “Your bitch is no longer here. Do you think she would care if your office smells like cheap smoke?” Seeing his face turn red as if he was about to explode from anger, Lianne let out another snort. “I came for money and you will give me what I want unless you want me to tell everyone that you poisoned your own wife for her money.”

“Shut up.”

“A hundred grand.”


“You know what? Let’s make it half a mil. What do you think?” Lianne smirked before she started smoking.

“I should have killed you a long time ago.”

“But you couldn’t, right?” Lianne snorted. “I mean… wouldn’t that break \my kid’s heart?”

“Lianne….” Lawrence growled, his glare already containing daggers. “Do not push me… you know how I am.”

“Then kill me.” Lianne shrugged, leaning back on the large couch. “Come on…”



Chapter 97 “Lianne…”

“I called Charlotte. She said she’s pregnant with a Beaumont’s child.” Lianne sneered. “Can you believe that?”

“What did you-

“Currently, the Beaumont Family is hiding here somewhere until they do a DNA test and confirm the child has the blood of a Beaumont,” Lianne said. “What do you think? Should I just call the Beaumont Family and ask them for money in exchange for some of your secrets?”

“I mean…” Lianne continued. “It shouldn’t matter… right? Just a few secrets wouldn’t actually hurt you right?”

“You-” Lawrence frowned. Min informed him that Charlotte was in the

US, but she soon vanished from their radar. He assumed that she went back to Europe or was trying to salvage her career by doing god knows what. Who would have thought that she was being hidden by the Beaumont Family?

But isn’t this a very good opportunity for him?

“Make it a million then…” Lianne’s words brought him back from his stupor. “A million and I will leave this fucking country. I should go somewhere and start doing Buddhism or something. You won’t see me again.”


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