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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 

They are going to offer him a dealSofia mumbled as the soft sheets hit her body

That would not happenAlexander suddenly said

Huh?Sofia widened her eyes and stared at his face. This only made her realize how close his face was to hers. Sofia blinked, caught off guard by Alexander’s proximity

They wouldn’t dare offer him a deal after everything he’s doneAlexander said, his voice full of confidence that 

Sofia did not have at the moment

That-Sofia frowned. She was speechless for a moment. As if on cue, her phone that was still in her pocket vibrated. She immediately answered Karina’s call. Hearing Karina’s words about what just happened, Sofia’s face slowly changed. She looked at him, still flabbergasted by what Karina just told her

The FBI found strong evidence that Lawrence was one of the top bosses of the smuggling ring. However, they also found a lot of evidence of him committing multiple crimes using other people’s names

While listening, Sofia could not help but look at Alexander. She asked Karina to do a background check on Lawrence and even paid people to follow him around. However, she failed to find out anything. She even failed to find out any problems in the company

The only proof that she had was Lawrence’s confession when he attempted to hurt Lianne. Sofia’s plan was honestly very simple. She talked to Lianne and offered her money to talk to Lawrence. Then she would be the star witness of the case against Lawrence

In exchange, she prepared a new identity for Lianne with enough money for her to live, for the rest of her life 

without working. It would be something that would change Lianne’s life

And the woman delivered

She agreed to everything that Sofia wanted and seemed very happy to put her ex in prison. This would have been the nail in the coffin! The thing that would drag Lawrence to prison for life

AlrightSofia said. Thanks for letting me know.” 

You should rest. I will see you tomorrow,Karina said

Alright. You toothanks.Sofia ended the call then she stared at Alexander without saying another word

She was lying on the bed while he was sitting next to her. By now, he had already straightened his back yet this was not enough to hide the smug expression on his face

You can say ithe uttered, his voice incredibly low



Chapter 99 

Unable to stop herself, a smile appeared on Sofia’s lips. Just now, Karina informed her that there would be no deal. Lawrence would most likely rot in prison for the rest of his life

Was it Dr. Mulach?she asked. The only thing that she could think of was Dr. Mulach’s testimony. If Dr. Mulach provided enough information that the state needed then they would no longer need Lawrence

And Mr. Oh, Alexander said, still smirking


PayAlexander suddenly said as he lifted an eyebrow


I need paymentit wasn’t for freehe mischievously smiled. For a while, Sofia stared at his handsome face. Then she smiled and suddenly pulled him in for a kiss

The kiss was unexpected, a wild spark igniting in the quiet aftermath of tension. Sofia felt a surge of emotions relief, gratitude, and a simmering heat that had nothing to do with the case. Alexander, caught off guard for a moment, recovered quickly, his hand cupping her face as he deepened the kiss

The kiss wasn’t gentle, but it wasn’t rough either. It was a dance of raw emotion, a hunger that had been building for longer than they both cared to admit. The sheets tangled around their legs as they stumbled back, Alexander pressing her against the cool headboard. Her body throbbed with a delicious ache, her senses overwhelmed by the feel of him, the scent of his cologne mixing with the musk of adrenaline

You’re injured-his words ended in a growl. Was he perhaps expecting her to tell him to stop? To let her rest for the night

Both of them knew that her injuries were superficial

You smell divinehe mumbled as he started kissing her neck, his hand slowly stroking the side of her breast. Heat radiated through her as she closed her eyes. 

It didn’t take too long for him to get rid of the rest of her clothes. After all, this was not about seduction or finesse. This was about the heat, the want and need that both of them felt

Sofia let out a strangled moan when he slowly pushed one of his fingers inside her. It didn’t take too long for her moans to echo inside the room

She was completely dazed, too drunk to focus on the things happening outside of the pleasure that she felt. Then her brain immediately turned into mush the moment he sank fullness into her

Too good,” he groaned as he drove into her once more. Pleasure lashed through her insides, making her quiver and beg for more



Chapter 99 


* EXA 38% 12:38 



Her heart raced frantically as he complied, giving her what she was begging for. It did not take too long for her body to start quaking from the intensity, the pleasure rippled through her once more before she reached the pinnacle along with him

What did you just say?Lawrence’s face turned ugly as he turned towards his lawyer. The blood drained from 

Lawrence’s face, leaving a pasty mask stretched tight over his skull. His eyes, usually calculating and cold, bulged with a mix of disbelief and terror. No deal?he croaked, his voice barely a whisper. Butbut we had everything lined up! Witness protection, a new identity” 

It appears the prosecution has gathered enough evidence to render a deal unnecessary,” his lawyer answered

Lawrence let out a strangled sound. Impossible! There’s no way they could have found outhe trailed off, his gaze darting around the room like a trapped animal seeking an escape route

Apparently,” Mr. Brown continued. They found out quite a bit. Enough to bury you under a mountain of charges that would make Alcatraz look like a weekend getaway.” 

Then what can we do? I don’t want to be in this place for- I’m innocent!Lawrence said

Mr. Brown leaned back in his chair, a deep crease forming between his brows. Innocence, unfortunately, is a matter for the court to decide, Mr. Lockhart. Right now, the prosecution has a strong case against you. Witness testimony, forensic evidencehe trailed off, letting the weight of his words hang heavy in the air. The poisoning of your wife and stepdaughterthose are very serious charges.” 

A flicker of desperation ignited in Lawrence’s eyes. I would never-” 

Explanations will be for the courtroom,” Mr. Brown interrupted gently but firmly. Our focus now is on building a strong defense. We need to examine the evidence the prosecution has gathered, identify any weaknesses, and explore all possible defense strategies.” 

Lawrence slumped back in his chair. He tried calling Thompson and the people that he knew but none of them seemed to be available to talk to him. At the end of the day, Lawrence realized that those people only became his friends because of Eunice. The connectionsthat he built over the years left him without even batting their eyelids

He gritted his teeth. What are the chances?he whispered

Upon seeing the evidence, I am going to be very honest with you. It will be a difficult fight, Mr. Lockhart,Mr. Brown admitted honestly. “The prosecution seems to have a compelling case. However, we will not give up. We will explore every avenue, every shred of evidence that could work in your favor.” 

The witness” 



Chapter 99 

Llanne- your ex will be the primary witness.” 


BUEN 38% 12:38 


And of course, Mr. Oh,Mr. Brown said. This is going to be a difficult fight but we will do our best.A tinge of cruelty flashed in Mr. Brown’s eyes

Then…. Do your best.” 

Beaumont Mansion 

Husband?Charlotte’s hands shook as she looked at Teresa Beaumont. You’re lying. There is no way that Sofia would marry someone she doesn’t love.she continued as her gaze turned sharp. Mr. Alexander Beaumont assured me that I will be safe in this mansion. He-” 

He placed guards around you and made sure that you cannot leave this place until the DNA test is done. But are you really certain that the man wanted to protect your child?Teresa glanced at Charlotte’s stomach. And not his wife?” 


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