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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98

The sound of chaos echoed inside the mansion as Min and a few other servants tried to block the police. Yet it was futile. It took Lawrence a few minutes to realize that he was already walking outside of his study, police and SWAT members around him. What just happened?

Lawrence blinked, the harsh sunlight hitting his eyes after the dimness of his office. Confusion swirled in his head. Outside, manicured lawns stretched towards a wrought iron fence.

A picture of perfect suburban life, shattered by the black and white figures swarming the property. Police cars, their red and blue lights a jarring contrast to the blooming flowers, choked the driveway.

Lianne. Where was she? His eyes darted around, searching for the crumpled figure he expected to find sprawled on the plush carpet. But there was nothing. Just a gaping hole in his meticulously planned scenario.

A cold dread clenched his gut. Then, a glint of white caught his eye. Through the throng of officers, he saw her. Lianne. But something was wrong. A smirk played on her lips.

Before he could process what was happening, a loud slap rang against his ears. His cheek stung. His gaze immediately landed on the woman who stood before him. Sofia Lockhart. Lawrence was about to respond when the SWAT that was holding him hauled him inside the car.

Lawrence could only frown, still speechless from what just happened. He even forgot to ask them to call his lawyers. All he could do was stare at the handcuffs that now restricted his hands.

“How dare you!” Sofia hissed as Karina tried to hold her back.

“Murderer!” Sofia screamed. “You will rot in prison! I promise you! You will rot in that place!”

“We have to leave this place…” Karina held Sofia’s arm and pulled her away from the car.

“I will make you regret everything!” Sofia hissed, her eyes full of hatred. Yet a part of Lawrence knew- a part of him knew that this woman just orchestrated everything! Just…. What just happened?

The journey to the police station was a blur. Lawrence found himself staring blankly ahead, unable to comprehend the gravity of his situation.



Chapter 98

He was booked, processed, and thrown into a cold, impersonal cell.

Hours passed like seconds in that dim, claustrophobic space. Lawrence’s thoughts were a tangled mess, his mind unable to grasp the reality of his predicament. He was a man accustomed to power and control, but now he was nothing more than a prisoner.

Lawrence had to get a personal lawyer. He was informed by a representative earlier that Mr. Thompson and Atty Arian Smith would not be able to help him as the two were affiliated with LH GROUP.

Aside from the smuggling cases, Lawrence was now booked with attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Moreover, he was not allowed bail because the police found his fake passport and documents that he was using to go out of the country. Apparently, more cases will soon be filed. A mess…. Everything was a mess.

“Mr. Lockhart… I am Sander Kent, the prosecutor. I am glad that you agreed to meet with me…” A middle-aged man smiled and greeted him the moment he arrived inside another room.

“I was expecting to talk to my lawyer… alone.” Lawrence glared at his lawyer Mr. Mason Brown. “You didn’t tell me-


“Just hear him out.” Mr. Brown immediately said. “Maybe he could help you.”

“Mr. Lockhart…” Mr. Kent said as he sat on the chair. “Please take

your seat…” he gestured towards the chair opposite him. “This will be a long conversation.”

“Why are they offering him a deal?” Sofia was frowning inside the car as she looked at the man sitting next to her. This man was none other than Mr. Thompson- the legal counsel of LH Group.

“Miss Lockhart, please understand that this was the prosecutor’s choice. We cannot do anything about-“

Sofia looked away, Mr. Thompson just told her that they are going to offer Lawrence a deal for a lesser sentence as long as he cooperates with the investigation of the smuggling case and the poison that he used. Again, this was the prerogative of the government.

“As much as we want to put him to prison for life- ” Mr. Thompson made a deliberate pause, his expression darkened. “It seems that they



Chapter 98

think Mr. Lockhart is an important individual in the current smuggling syndicate in the country.”

Sofia gritted her teeth. So what now?

So, she wanted to put him in prison because she wanted to abide by the law and they actually offered him a deal instead? How is that fair?

Frustration bubbled within Sofia like a pot of water about to boil over. “They just want him to become a snitch,” she spat, the word leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. The image of Lawrence’s smug face, even in handcuffs, ignited her anger.

Here was the man who threatened her life, poisoned her and her mother, and likely had a hand in countless other atrocities, and now he might get a slap on the wrist in exchange for potentially valuable information.

Mr. Thompson sighed, his weathered face etched with the weight of countless legal battles. “Unfortunately, Miss Lockhart, the justice system doesn’t always operate on a ‘fairness’ scale. They prioritize convictions and building a case against bigger players. Sometimes, that means cutting deals with the lesser evils.”

Sofia slumped back in the leather seat, defeated for a moment. This wasn’t the vengeance she craved. She craved to see him broken, stripped of his power and arrogance, and left to rot in a cell for the rest of his days. But as Mr. Thompson’s words sunk in, a sliver of pragmatism began to chip away at her anger.

“So, what does this deal entail?” she asked, her voice calmer, albeit laced with a steely resolve.

Mr. Thompson straightened, a hint of relief flickering in his eyes. “The details are still being finalized, but the gist is this: Lawrence confesses to his crimes, particularly the attempted murder of Mrs. Lockhart and the conspiracy to murder you. He cooperates fully with the investigation, revealing everything he knows about the smuggling operation and its suppliers. In exchange, they’ll likely offer a significantly reduced sentence, with witness protection thrown in for good measure.”

Sofia’s brow furrowed. Witness protection?


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