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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 1

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock continuously rings in my ears. I groan and grab my phone to shut off the noise as soon as possible. I hate mornings. Like really hate them! Especially Monday mornings. Going back to my boring classes after the wonderful weekend I had seems like the most horrible punishment someone could give me. Seriously, who invented Mondays? I'd definitely like to meet them to, you know, to sweetly smack their head and put some sense in it. I may be exaggerating but I am also not a morning person. The birds chirping as if it's the happiest day on Earth, the kids jumping up and down before their parents are even awake, or the sun stroking my beautiful face from the window, a big NO.

The only reason I wake up in the morning is to eat the yummy breakfast my mom makes.

"Emerald, are you up?", my mom calls snapping me out of my thoughts.

My mom normally gets up super early to prepare the delicious breakfast I was talking about earlier for me, her and my dad, and my two step brothers.

"No mom! I'm not up", I holler back and stuff my head under my pillow. I live in a 2 storey house, with 13 rooms, with my family; mom and dad, and my two step brothers Damion and Sean. Yes, I have half brothers. I really don't know much about the situation as they were both born ages before me. They don't know much about their mom either. Mom and dad met when Damion was 2 and a half and Sean was 3. She took them in as her own and I know deep down that she treats them as a mom should.

My parents own a large jewelry store downtown, Damion is 20 and is at college studying business while Sean, 23, is an accountant. My brothers don't live with us, but they come over almost everyday for breakfast or dinner. Or both.


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