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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 5

The rest of the week passed like a daze. On the evening of the party, which was Friday, Spencer caught up with me.

"Hey, what are you wearing tonight?", she asked curiously. " I hope you haven't forgotten about the party", Spencer continues.

How on Earth could I forget? Spencer had made it her duty to remind me at least everyday following this morning. Although I'm not very big on parties, I definitely remembered this one.

"I haven't decided on what to wear. I'll find something though", I shrug.

Spencer looks at me, as if I've been brainwashed. "Em, have you lost your brain?", she asked. Her mouth was set wide open in the shape of an O.

I closed her mouth with my hand, telling her not to do that because she'll catch flies. "Why do you ask that?"

"Because, Emerald Mickayla Stone, we are going to a party and Liam is going to be there. We can't go there looking like nobody's. I know you aren't big on parties, but just do it this once. For me", she begs, showcasing her puppy eyes.

"Fine!" Spencer squeals and jumps up and down like a child promised ice cream.

Before Spencer can say anything more, her mom pulls up.

"Shit, my mom's here!", Spencer curses. I mutter a quick prayer, thanking the God of luck.

Her mom honks continuously, causing her to run as fast as she can to her mom's jeep. Her mom doesn't normally pick her up, because she works as a full time vet. I wonder what came up.

"Bye Emerald!", she calls over her shoulder. "Face time me when you get home."

I tell her that I will, and watch as her mom's jeep pulls out of the school yard.

I walk over to my own car, and climb in. I start up the engine and leave school.

After a few minutes, I pull up in our driveway and get out of our car. I open the front door, go inside and lock it behind me.

It seems as if no one's home; Damion's at college, Sean is an accountant, and mom and Dad have their own jewelry store downtown, as well as a coffee shop that is run by my childhood baby sitter, Margaret.


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