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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 8

*Start of flashback*

I park into my boyfriend's driveway and grab all of the things we will need for our plans today. I unlock his front door with the key his parents gave to me before flying off to Mexico for their vacation and tip toe up the stairs.

I have movies, snacks, my pillow and Poppy, my favorite stuffed animal from my childhood and I'm all planned for our anniversary . Today would make 9 months that we have been dating, and I'm so excited. I also talked to my mom about 'the thing'. Yes, 'the thing'. I 2ant to make him happy because I love him. And I know he loves me back. I just know he's the right guy.

By now, I'm outside his room. I reach for the knob to surprise my boyfriend until I hear a moan. And those sounds.

No. No. No.

I twist the door knob and send the door flying open like the start of the music video, 'Havana' by Camilla Cabello . And I front of my eyes, is an image that will never leave my mind. My boyfriend cheating on me. With another girl. In his bed. Where I was suppose to be laying. Where I had my first kiss.

Everything I have in my hand falls on the floor in slow motion, just like my heart.

Jack pushes the girl off of him and she lands on the floor, knocking over a few things. Jack wraps the sheets around his naked body, his faced filled with shock and regret. Then guilt.

Everything vanishes from my brain and I feel... Empty. Not good enough.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I can't breathe. And I don't need Google to tell me that I'm experiencing shock.

"How could you?", I finally squeak.

His face falls. "You weren't suppose to be home until 5", came the reply.

"That doesn't make it right!", I shout on full crying mode. "How dare you cheat on me! I loved you." My voice gets soft and my throat feels as if it's closing up.


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