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My Fair Stunner novel (Faye and Colin) novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 To Please Her

Colin's eyes were full of evil smiles. He was getting ready to lean down.

Faye looked up at him with her toe slightly touched on the belt around his waist.

Colin shifted his eyes to the bottom and looked playfully, "So?"

Faye said, "Don't do anything inappropriate."

Colin asked, "Are you trying to hurt me?"

Faye answered frankly, "I do have that thought."

When they were talking to each other's, the room's door was pushed from the outside.

Faye heard the noise and kicked Colin away from her.

Colin took the advantage of the situation and fell on the chair behind him with a "tsk", and said, "That was dangerous."

After Alexander took a walk outside, he looked happier and more energetic when he got back.

Alexander walked to Colin, pulled out the chair, and sat down. With admiration in his eyes, he said, "Brother-in-law, I have only been able to see you in the magazines or entertainment news before. It's like a dream to meet you in person for the very first time."

Colin twirled his finger around the rim of the cup in front of him and said casually, "You will get used to it after you see me more often."

After listening to Colin's words, Alexander looked teary and said, "Seriously? I will be able to meet you more often in the future?"

Colin said, "You are such a funny person."

Alexander smiled and raised his hand to scratch his hair embarrassedly. Then, he started to look at Colin's outfits.

"Brother-in-law, is your tie expensive?"

"Your shirt can't be cheap too."

"Are the cufflinks on your shirt custom made?"

Alexander asked a lot of questions. Finally, he stopped his eyes on Colin's waist. When he saw the footprints on the zipper underneath the belt, he blushed and looked away.

It was a very shallow triangle footprint on Colin's pants. It was obvious what kind of shoes made it.

The women's shoes.

There were only three people in the room and the only woman was Faye.

Alexander's movement was big when he looked away. It was hard for Colin not to notice it. He looked at the footprint under his belt, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled. He got it.

The meal went on harmoniously.

After finishing eating, Faye passed her bank card to Alexander and asked him to get the bill. She had something to tell Colin about Mason.

Alexander took the bank card and asked while swinging it, "What's the password?"

Faye rolled her eyes and said to him, "You don't need the password for expenses lower than 2,000 dollars."

Alexander said, "I didn't know that."

Alexander got up and left. Faye adjusted her sitting position to look at Colin and said, "As for Mason, you need to send someone to watch over her and she can't leave her house for this period. Alexander found out today that she was in contact with Helen secretly."


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