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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 1


The darkness surrounded me as I lay in my bed, my grey eyes wide awake as I stared out the open window at the moon that shone brightly with the stars. For the third time in three minutes, I glance at the glowing green numbers on the clock sitting on my bedside table. It had officially been my eighteenth birthday for three hours and three minutes, and I was too excited to sleep, I had been waiting for this day since I first shifted at the early age of twelve. When a wolf reaches the age of eighteen, they're officially ready to find their mate.

As I stared out the window, I began wonder what my mate would be like and worrying if I'd be accepted by them. My thoughts were cut short when I suddenly felt a sharp pain cut through my body, it left after a moment and as I was about to shrug it off, another hit, this time more intense and lasting longer.

Muffling a whimper, I crawl from my bed making my way towards my father's bedroom. I stood in front of his door about to knock on it, when another pain cut through me, unable to stop myself I let out a loud cry.

My father was standing at his door in a flash with worried eyes, at this point there were tears falling down my face as I hugged my arms around myself, not knowing what was happening to me.

Another pain hit causing my body to crash to the floor and another loud cry to leave my lips, my father instantly lifted me into his arms and began running out of the house in a panic. We barely made it down the steps on our porch before we were greeted by my uncle Cain, the alpha of our pack, along with my cousin Elliot.

" What's going on Thomas? " My uncle asks my father, glancing at my father's arms where I was shaking and sweating.

" I.. I'm not sure, she.. " my father stutters, obviously as confused as me about this whole thing.

Another wave of pain hit and with this wave, I began to convulse, falling from my father's arms onto the ground. I could hear my uncle ordering my cousin to go fetch the pack healer as my father called for me in a state of panic, but it sounded very far away from me.

Sudden it was like a wave smashed against me as I felt a large surge of energy hit my body, as if I'd been shocked, my back arched from the ground. I felt something building in me so aggressively, all I could do was let out a powerful scream.

Then the pain was gone as if it was never there to begin with, but I felt strange, different. I sat up on the ground panting, opening my mouth to tell my family that I was okay now, only to find that my uncle and cousin who had returned with one of the pack healers were all on the ground in front of our pack house, which was around 50 yards from where I was sat in front of my house.

I turned to look at my father, he also wasn't there but my front porch was in ruins. I quickly got up from the ground and ran to the porch, tossing random parts of the structure away.

" Dad?! " I shouted, my voice raspy surely from all the crying and screaming.


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