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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 2


As the sun rises in the sky, I cautiously walk out of the cave I'd been calling home for the past few weeks in my sand blonde wolf form. Sniffing the air, I begin to trot along happily when I find no suspicious scents around the area.

The birds chirp happily in the trees as I wander around the forest, keeping my snout to the ground as I attempt to hunt for my breakfast. I come to a clearing, immediately noticing a deer wandering the overgrown field gracefully.

Lowering myself I creep towards the deer slowly, quietly, only making myself known when I was a few feet away, I leap towards the deer which takes off in a sprint, I follow it closely. Within seconds, I've tackled it to the ground and dug my canines into its neck.

Once it stops trashing around, I begin to feast, eating as much as my stomach allows before abandoning my prey. Wandering back towards my cave, I notice my paws are now covered in blood and release a huff, knowing there is no lakes or streams in this area to wash in.

Since I fled from my pack, they've been hunting me restlessly. At first they'd find me every couple of days, somehow I managed to escape each time, most times with broken bones or deep gashes, which by now have turned to scars.

As more creatures became aware of the existence of a hybrid, the more I was being hunted. Although, I had also been offered some help over the years too. Mostly by witches, who were fascinated by natures newest creation because of this I quickly began to learn to use and control my gifts, which I had been struggling with before that.

Once my gifts were awakened, I found myself setting fires as I slept, toppling trees without the intention to and hurting people when I was scared or panicked, the last of course came in handy when those people were the ones hunting me.

Thankfully now I was in full control of my gifts, which meant I could use them to mask my scent, meaning I could stay in places longer without being found and protect myself when I was. I still wasn't sure how I was being found when hiding myself so well, but because I was walking around with a giant target on my back, it made it harder to have any long term connections.

At first I did try to connect, the problem with making friends, caring for people who care for you in return, is that they want to try protect you, I learned my lesson after one too many losses.

As I reach the entrance of my cave, I shift back, my bones crack loudly, the noise echoes through the cave making it louder then usual until I'm back standing on two legs. I stretch myself out as I wander deeper into the cave, my eyes are still able to see perfectly regardless of the darkness of my surroundings.

When I find my bag pack sitting in the corner where I sleep, I open it up pulling out a dirty white summer dress and pull it over my head, the material stops a few inches above my ankles and does nothing to hid the fact my boobs are bare underneath but it's the only clothes I have, other then the outfit I own for when the colder seasons hit.

Deciding that I need to bathe, I grab my scuffed black boots, stuffing my feet into them before swinging the small canvas bag pack over my shoulder. I wander out of the cave and begin my journey to look for a new shelter near some kind of water supply.

After about an hour of walking I get bored of this form, removing my boots I tie them to my bag pack using the laces, then slip off my dress shove it into the bag in a ball.

When I'm on four legs again, I take the bag into my mouth and take off in a sprint. By time I come across a stream the sun is starting to set, dropping my bag I walk up to the stream leaning my head forward to take a drink. I shift back onto two legs, grabbing the familiar steel canteen from the bag and filling it before sliding my bare body into the water.

After I wash away the dirt, blood and sweat that has gathered over the past few weeks, I crawl back onto the bank beside the stream knowing that it's too awkward trying to find a sheltered place to sleep while it's dark out. Instead I decide to sleep as a wolf on the river bank.

My eyes snap open from my peaceful rest when a twig snapping echoes through the wooded area near me, my ears perk up listening for any other sounds to indicate that what I'm hearing is more than just another animal in the woods.


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