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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 27


The three of us all snap our heads toward Lila, who's gaze is directed at Kai. I frown as I process her words. " He's not going to hurt me. " I assure her.

She looks doubtful. " How do you know? "

" I am his beloved, I trust him. " I inform.

" What's a beloved? " Lila mumbles, out of the corner of my eye I see Dahlia tense.

" Dahlia will explain all that. " I tell her.

She chews on her lip. " You helped me. I remember you. "

I nod.

" you were.. you turned into a dog. " She whispers.

Dahlia chuckles, covering her mouth with her hand.

" A wolf. " I correct her.

She shifts on her feet. " How? "

" I'm a werewolf. Well part werewolf, part witch. " My statement makes Dahlia's eyes fill with shock, I don't meet her gaze. Kai places another soft kiss to the side of my head.

" Wait hold, how didn't I know about this? " Dahlia cuts in.

" I only found out too. " Kai says absentmindedly, Dahlia seems a bit upset by this information but I pay her no mind as my mate runs his hands down my arms making me lean into him more.

He hands stop over mine and he intertwines our fingers, a smile crosses my lips and I squeeze his hands gently to show my affection. The sun slowly starts to rise in the sky, the clouds fading out of their deep purple and into a burst of reds, oranges, pinks and yellows.

" Dahlia, if you don't have that bracelet on already, I'd put it on now. " Kai sings, my eyes close as he brings his mouth to my ear, planting a wet open mouth kiss onto my lobe. I untangle myself from him so I can turn around to face him, planting a kiss to his lips.

" Wow, you guys have suddenly become unbearable to be around. " Dahlia announces, seeming to forget about the news of my hybrid status while her eyes focused on clasping her bracelet on, after a couple of moments of her not being able to get it, I stand up to help her.

Kneeling in front of her, I grab the claps between my fingers linking them together easily. " Thank you Doll. " She smiles at me.

I notice that Lila now has her eyes glued to the ground, with a light frown on her lips and that she has moved a couple of steps toward her mate. The sun fully rises in the sky, I watch with admiration as Kai lays back in the grass, his hands behind his head and a slight smile on his face while he soaks up the sunrise, clearly enjoying every moment of it, just as he had over the weeks since I'd given him his ring.

I really love seeing him like this.

Walking back over to him, I lay down beside him in the grass making his eyes open as he lazily turns his head to look at me, grinning. Something clicks deep inside of me, a deep warmth and happiness as I gaze at him, everything around us seems to zone out as I take him in.


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