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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 28


Sighing I snap the book I'm reading closed, turning my head on Kai's stomach to look up at him but the cover of a book is blocking my view. Sitting up, I grab his book tossing it to the side, his eyebrow rise in reaction to my actions.

" Something wrong? " He asks.

Something was wrong, I hadn't shifted in just over a week ago at Dahlia's party and I was getting antsy. I never liked being out of touch with my wolf for too long, It made unwelcome and unhelpful emotions bubble within me until they exploded and that was usually very ugly.

" Let's go out today. " I demand.

" Okay. " Kai chuckles. " Where would you like to go? "

" I don't know, anywhere, everywhere. Somewhere I can shift because if I haven't ran around on four paws by the end of the day, I think I'll lose my mind and trust me you don't wanna deal with me in that state. " I rant.

" So we'll go out, there's plenty of land around. " He tells me, jumping out of bed.

My eyes scan his half naked body as he walks over to his closet, he disappears inside for a couple of seconds, reappearing with black skinny jeans covering his legs and an unbuttoned short sleeve navy shirt revealing his torso to me.

He zips the zipper on his pants, buttoning them closed then his eyes meet mine. " You coming? "

Pulling my bottom lip into my mouth, I nod, awkwardly scurrying out of the bed and into my room where I dress myself in a floral off the shoulder sundress that falls just above my knees, leaving my feet bare and my hair to freely fall in blonde waves down to my waist.

Kai meets me in the hallway and we walk downstairs with our hands intertwined. A couple of people greet us as we walk by but two people stop us from walking out onto the porch when they call Malakai's name.

We both turn to find a black man and woman, both have golden brown eyes and identical features. Twins. The man begins to converse with Kai, as he ties his dreads up out of his face. I look over at the woman who studies me intently, her auburn hair is in neat braids that fall down just past her full breasts, her plump lips have a deep shade of red lipstick coating them, other than that and a small amount of mascara, there's no other trace of any makeup, not that she needed it with her high cheekbones and stunning features. She's a couple of inches taller than me and sends me a small grin showing off her perfect teeth.

" Hi, I'm Sabine. You're Mal's Beloved right? " She greets.

" Yeah, I'm Corinna. It's nice to meet you. " I give her an awkward smile, she holds out her hand which I quickly shake.

" Sorry to stop you guys on your way out, my brother Darius insisted he talk business now. " Sabine apologises.


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