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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 3


As I strolled away from the now dead vampire, my eyes searched the area for the woman who had been attacked. I found her behind a tree with her knees pulled to her chest and her face buried into her legs as she cried.

As I slowly approach her, I clear my throat softly to make my presence known. Her head snaps up, her hazel eyes wide with fear. I hold my hands up as I take another step towards her, but that makes her cry harder.

" Please.. Please don't hurt me. " She sobs.

Instead of continuing toward her, I pause a few feet away from her, lowering myself to the ground. " I'm not going to hurt you. " I promise her, keeping my voice soft as I speak.

" My name is Corinna. "

The woman's sobs calm slightly. " How do I know you won't hurt me? You killed him . " she cries pointing in the direction of the vampire's corpse.

" I wanted to protect you, that's why I did what I did. " I reply.

My words seem to slowly register in her mind, when they do she calms down a little more. " He murdered my friends... " she whispers.

A frown forms on my lips. " I'm sorry for your loss. If you don't mind me asking... Why were you and your friends so far out in the woods? "

" It... It's my 18th birthday tomorrow and I wanted to go camping and... " She begins to cry again. " My friends didn't really want to come, but they knew how much I wanted to go and... It's all my fault. "

Carefully I move closer to her, when I'm close enough I lean over and touch her hand gently. " It's not your fault, you couldn't have known. " I mumble.

She flinches slightly at my touch but doesn't move away like I expect her to. " What's your name? " I question.

" Giovanna, Just call me Gia, it's easier. " She gives me a half smile.


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