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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 34


" Yes. " I answer Sabine, deciding that lying wouldn't be the best approach considering she would definitely know better.

" I thought there was something off about you the first time we met, no wonder. You're being hunted. Why? " She paces back and forth with her hands laced together behind her back as continues questioning me.

" Because of what I am. " I state simply.

She nods her head. " The hybrid. You know the make it out that the hybrid is a man, why do you think that is? "

" Because too many people underestimate women, to the point that they think something as powerful as a hybrid couldn't possibly be a woman. " I answer, causing Sabine to pause and turn to me.

" I'm liking you more by the second, Hybrid. " She sends me a grin, but it quickly faded from her lips. " Now, who exactly is hunting you? "

" My old pack. " I shift on my feet.

" But they're more than your pack.. Aren't they? " She narrows her eyes on my feet.

I nod. " My uncle is the alpha, my cousin is next in line to be alpha and my.. my father is his Beta. "

" Your family are the ones hunting you? " She looks slightly surprised by this, but I know a huge part of her knew it was going to be people close to me, I don't answer just nod. " I apologise for my questions, I was easing my suspicion of you. I'll let you get back now. "

Without another word she leaves me standing in the room alone thinking of my family, how much they hated me and all of the pain they had caused me. I could never understand why running me off was never enough for them, why they felt the need to chase me down. I had many questions that they could only answer and I would probably never get those answers.

Sighing, I begin to wander back up through the house to find Kai. When I find him he's sitting on the sofa, reading in the living room with Phoenix who is playing on a game console with eyes eyes glued to the TV bolted to the wall, Dahlia sits beside them running her fingers along the back of an anxious looking Lila, who's seated practically on her lap.

As if sensing me, Kai looks up from his book, his eyes instantly finding mine. A smile graces his face as he closes and places the book on the coffee table in front of him, I stride over to him settling myself down on his lap.

" You did wonderfully in the meeting my darling. " He kisses my cheek.

" Oh please, I didn't do anything. " I scoff, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and tangling my free hand in his.

" Actually, I think you gained the respect of a lot of the clan by standing up to Farrah. " He mumbles, continuing to place kisses on my cheek, then my neck and shoulder.

" Speaking of Farrah, you seem to have a type. " I grumble.

He chuckles. " What do you mean? "

" Black hair, big boobs, bitchy attitude. The three b's if you will. " I sass him.

He lets out a burst of laughter against my shoulder. " Is someone jealous? "

" Maybe. " I huff.

" There is no need to be my darling, I promise you. " He goes back to kissing my shoulder.I frown, removing my hands from him to pick at my finger nails. " I don't know Kai.. I'm.. " I sigh, lowering my voice so only he can hear me. " She's like a goddess and the two women I've met that you've had some kind of relationship are both polar opposites to what I look like.. "

" It's alright to be jealous, to feel insecure, to feel any kind of way but my darling we are made for each other, my past is just that the past, I've only seen you since the moment you walked into my life and it will continue to be that way. You have beauty, brains, such a big heart and so much bravery. The four B's if you will. " He whispers against my shoulder, taking both my hands in his. " Most importantly, I love you and only you. "


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