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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 35


My eyes stare out the balcony window in Malakai's room at the burst of orange, pinks and purples in the sky as the sun sets. I lay unmoving on my side, my body continues to feel like it's sinking into the mattress, my eyelids feel heavy but I'm unable to close them without seeing her lifeless eyes staring back at me. Everything surrounding me is fuzzy and disconnected.

" Has she still not moved? " Olive's voice asks but it seems so far away.

" No. She's barely eaten anything, only bowls of soup when Mal has practically forced her to. " Dahlia answers.

" It's been two weeks. " Olive speaks again.

" Her friend died in front of her Olive. " Dahlia hisses.

" Please stop speaking about my beloved as if she isn't right there on the bed, now get out the two of you. " Kai snarls, I know he is sitting on the space on the bed behind me, just as he has any chance he's gotten since Helena died. I know that he is staring at the back of my head just as is intently as I am staring out the window.

The door clicking shut barely processes for me, I feel Kai move closer to me until he's spooning me. " Do you want to go get some fresh air my darling? " He whispers into my ear.

" No. " I force myself to mumble out.

" I can't stand to see you like this any longer Cori. " He breaths out, then climbs off of the bed.

Just as I think he is going to leave me alone, the covers are ripped off of me and he picks me up into his arms, carrying me into the bathroom. When we were inside, he kicks the door closed and places me on to the countertop next to the sink. He gently removes his t-shirt off of my body, then places me on the ground so he can remove the sweat pants covering my legs.

Kai then lifts me into the bathtub, he turns on the taps and water quickly begins the fill the tub. The entire time he washes my body and hair, we both stay silent until I find myself muttering a soft thank you to him as he carries me back into the room wrapped in a towel.

He sets me down on to the edge of the bed, grabbing a spare towel he then kneels in front of me and starts to dry my body. " I'm sorry. " I whisper.

" What? For what? " He pauses his actions.

" For being like this. " I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

" You're grieving my darling, that's okay but you can't let yourself waste away like this. " He sighs. " I'm going to need you to eat something that isn't soup, I'm surprised you haven't lost any weight from how little you've been eating. "

I nod. " yeah okay. "

Taking the towel from him, I finish drying myself off while he disappears into the closet, he returns seconds later holding out one of his grey sweaters and a pair of black boxers. I dress myself, then take Kai's hand allowing him to lead me down to the kitchen. When we walk inside Olive, Dahlia, Lila, Phoenix and Sabine all pause their actions to look over to me, I shift on my feet feeling extremely uncomfortable under their gazes.


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