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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 18

Sarah POV

I felt sad for my boss, he lost his wife in a car accident and he must be very sad.

I decided to go check on him and saw how he was doing.

I arrived at his house and it's breathtaking, it has a nice view.

I knocked the door and waited for someone to open. My boss opened the door and welcomed me in.

He looked tired and exhausted as well.

We talked a little bit and I saw Mr Benson coming towards us and he was holding a glass of wine in his hands.

After Ethan left, we were smiling and looking at each other.

He asked me if he could talk with me. I said okay and the next thing he said really shocked me.

"I like you and I want to marry you."

Oh my god this guy was straight forward and he looked serious. I didn't know how to respond.

He introduced himself and asked me to be his wife. I still didn't answer and I heard him calling me.

I came back to my sense and I told him I would think about it.

After I came back home I was thinking a lot I didn't even hear Emma was talking to me.

"Sarah what are you thinking so seriously that you can't hear me?"

"Emma, David asked me to marry him....."

She was not saying anything and she was looking at me like she has seen a ghost.

"What do I do Emma? he asked me to give him answers."

"What did you say to him?" Emma asked.

"I told him I need to think about it."

"Oh my god Sarah Anderson!!! what's wrong with you? call him and say yes!!!"

"Whaaat??!! Emma are you serious? This is not a joke marriage, also not something to play with, I am not even r........" she cut me off.

Emma POV

I can't believe this girl is so dump, how can she not say yes to him?


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