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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 32

Sarah POV

when we went in our room my husband made love to me with so much pleasure, I felt his love for me after he cleaned me I slept, and I heard him saying he loves me and I hope I made the right decision to marry him.

I want to be the best wife .

I slept for 3 hours , when I open my eyes I didn't see him in the room I got up , and look for something to wear because I was naked, I look around and I didn't see my luggage anywhere, I walk in the closet and it's was big enough like my room in my house, I open the closet and he has so many clothes. I open the other one to find a woman clothes all new and were my size,I smale knowing he did this for me, I choose a black top and shorts.

I dress up and walk out of our room, I didn't see him anywhere, I went to the kitchen and saw the maid making dinner.

madam how can we help you?

one of them ask me .

what is your name I ask the one who talk to me.

am Alice madam.

she introduced me to the other 3 off them .

Alice was uncle Victor wife she was in her 40s .

am okay aut Alice.

I hope I can call you aunt Alice?

yes madam no problems , can I get you anything? she ask.

yes I want a glass of orange juice please.

she smiled and give me the juice.

I walk out of the kitchen , I see uncle Victor coming towards me.

good evening madam.

good evening uncle Victor, where is David?

young master is in the study room.

can you show me where is the study room?

sure follow me this way.

I follow him and he showed me the door and I told him to go back it's fine.

I was about to nock the door but I stop when I had him talking to someone, I miss you too and I will come to see you soon. alright bye you to.

I didn't nock I went back upstairs and close the door, why do I feel bad when I had him talking with someone on the phone, I know I have trouble trusting people , this can't happen again to me I don't know if I will be able to handle it's.

I was in my thoughts when I had my phone ringing and it was my mom,

hello mom.

hello honey how are you?


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