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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 35


Before I could rejoice in my happiness that Alexander was here and I might have a chance at survival, a thought struck my mind, that made me more scared than I already was.

"Alexander was just a normal human being. How will he be able to fight off these men alone?" I thought and suddenly remembered the shrill scream filled with the agony that had echoed in the forest just now.

Opening my eyes from the bliss that I was feeling, I looked at the man that was holding me in his arms. However, his eyes were not on me. His eyes were trained on the men that were standing there while they looked at Alexander.

And wait, is that fear in their eyes, that I am sensing?

My eyes then followed on the ground where the man that was about to attack me earlier, was shredded to half.

I looked at Alexander in horror. Did he do that? 

"Oh my god! How much strong is he, to shred a person in two? What is he hiding under that shirt of his?" I thought as my eyes widened in shock.

"Jesus, girl! Is that the only thing you are concerned about? You're more naughty than me!" Carla asked as she looked at the scene in horror. 

I smiled awkwardly at her comment before I blocked my mind from the view I'm front so that she won't have to see this gruesome sight.

She might not be used to all this blood and human killing for all I know.

I must add if you guys were thinking that I am some weird psychotic murderer then Alexander was on a whole other level from me. 

I looked back at the guy, and it was only then, did I noticed his clear hazel eyes that were shining in the dark. It made me want to touch his face, and grab his attention towards me.

"Alexander?" I whispered. Is that weird, that even after seeing such a gruesome sight, I was still not feeling any kind of fear from him. The sense of security from earlier only increased.

"Sshh...I am here. No one will be able to touch you or hurt you anymore, my mate." Alexander said, and boy did his voice felt so nice to my ears.

I don't know if it was just me but I felt like his voice was way deeper than the other times. It might be just my hallucination or because he was angry at the guys, but it was sexy nonetheless.

'Uhhh! Concentrate Victoria! Now is not the time for you to get aroused because of his voice and surface your love for him that you have hidden behind all those layers.'I reprimanded myself before I looked back at him.

Lifting me in the air, he made me sat behind a tree before he bent and looked at me,

"Now, we won't want these pretty eyes to see such dirty things and taint them, do we?" He asked as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ears.

Looking in his eyes that were so captivating and alluring, I just nodded before shaking my head in denial.

"Then, my sweet Victoria will keep her eyes closed until I say to open them, right?" He said as he gripped my chin gently, wiping the side of my lips.

I nodded in agreement, still dazed in his eyes, as I saw him retracing his had. I could see a little blood on his thumb that he used to wipe my lips. Still gazing at me, he put the thumb in his mouth, before he sucked on it.

'What in the actual hell!' I screamed in my mind, feeling more aroused than shocked at his gesture.

"Good girl." He said before he went behind the tree.

Do you guys ever get that feeling, when someone tells you to not look at something or do something, but then every cell of your body forces you and becomes curious as to why they denied and then you can't help yourself but want to peak at the thing?

Well, that's exactly what I was feeling right now.

Thinking that a small glance won't hurt, I turned around slightly, while still hiding behind the tree. 

I tried to spot Alexander among the men of the opposite party. 

I could hear the screams of pain and agony, and knowing that none of them belonged to my Alexander, I heaved a sigh of relief.

'Wait, did I just called him Mine? Where the hell did it come from?' I thought surprised at my feelings.

As I turned around again, to see what was happening I saw only 5 men were left standing and one of them punched Alexander in the chest, with a knife in his hand.


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