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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 36


Uhhh! I was done with this nagging argument between me and my conscience, about whether I should tell Alexander about my feelings or not.

Sitting in the classroom where our biology teacher was busy explaining the anatomy of a human, in which I was least interested, since, I have already studied this material and was well-versed with that, I was thinking about how should I tell Alexander about my feelings for him. 

Yup, you guys heard that right. I was thinking of proposing to him, for real this time. 

It has been 3 days since that incident outside the club happened. Though he had never expressed any strong feelings towards me, however, I don't know why, I get this feeling that he also likes me, especially, after the way how he protected me that day.

Besides, the fight outside the club that day made me realize, that my life was full of animosity and danger. Who should I fight for?

I don't even know if I will get to see the next day or not. Now, amidst all these things, if I have to live like a coward, hiding my feelings, hiding everything from everyone, then was it even worth it to live? 

"Aren't you saying too much? Don't go that deep into things. People might start thinking that you care for yourself." Carla scoffed in between making me roll my eyes at her.

Okay fine, I am bluffing. It's all Carla who has been nagging me to tell him how I feel before, he is snatched away by other girls, because let me be honest, this university is filled with sexy and beautiful girls. 

"Happy?" I asked her after praising her, to which she nodded happily.

However, proposing him wasn't an easy feat either. I was terribly confused, about how should I go with this process. 

Yup, it was a process I know I have to go through because I was sure that whatever I feel for him was real.

Should I just directly go to him and say, 'Hey I like you and want to give it a go, do you like me too?' but that would sound too lame and rude.

Or should I go for something romantic and poetic to make his heart swell, that he finds it hard to reject me? But that won't suit my personality. It will look too fake if I do something like that.

As I was busy in my thoughts thinking about different methods of proposing Alexander, something hit my head, making me jerk my head in the direction from where the note came.

"Are you fuckin' crazy?" I mouthed to Chris who was grinning like an idiot he was.

Opening the note that he had thrown on me, I read,

"Who are you going to prom with?" 

This reminds me, I was still without a partner and practically ineligible to join the prom that was going to be held tomorrow night to celebrate 50 years of the university.

"I don't have a partner yet, what about you and others?" I write before looking at our teacher, relaxed when she wasn't looking this way, and throwing the note back at him.

It hit him square in the nose, pleasuring me as I giggled at his squinting face.

I don't know what he found funny in my note but as soon as he opened my note, he started giggling as he bends his head to hide from the teacher's gaze.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes as he scribbled something again. He threw the note at me, aiming for my face again. However, this time I was prepared and caught it right in time.

Smirking at his failed attempt, I opened the note to see what he wrote, but my smile froze in place, as I looked at him in disbelief.

It said,

"I am going with Angela, Aiden is going with Katie, and Sean is going with Tina. I am not sure about Daniel but I heard some girl talking about asking him out today."

"You guys already have partners? So fast?" I mouthed to him in disbelief as he shrugged.

"What about me? Am I the only one left without a partner?" I wrote, hurriedly throwing the note at him, waiting impatiently for him to reply.

After reading the note, he looked at me, before shaking his head in my direction as if thinking I was a lost cause.

Well, I was without a partner anyways, doesn't that make me a lost cause.

I waited for him to write whatever he was writing while glancing at the teacher from time to time who was busy teaching with her back facing us.

I didn't have to wait for long, as soon I saw a note flying towards me. It read,


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