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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 5


I looked towards my wardrobe and then at my bed at the mess that I've created.

Currently, I was thinking about what to wear to this party, which I was invited to.

Was I excited? No.

However, due to some unknown reasons, I was feeling super nervous about this whole thing. I was not a nervous freak who would become nervous just because she was invited to a party.

Maybe I was feeling this way because I haven't been to a party for more than a year and my friend from my home town wasn't here to give me some sassy girl motivation.

Huffing in frustration, I decided to go with a washed denim thigh-length shorts with a white top and my favorite black jacket. Wearing my medium heel boots, I think I was ready to go after applying some lotion to my face. 

I didn't go with the makeup, because doing makeup wasn't my thing. For all I know, I might as well turn myself into a panda if I tried doing it on my own.

I pulled my front hairs in a side wave and pinned them properly, while the rest I decided to leave open.

Satisfied at my image, I locked the door before going out in the left direction from my house. 

I was good with directions and thus, I knew exactly where the party was when Aiden gave me the directions from that cafe.

Reaching the party, I noticed the grandeur of it. The garden in front of that mansion-like house was soo large but it still appeared crowded.

There were huge stalls placed on both left and right sides with different dishes placed on them.

Let's talk about why it wasn't exactly a small get to gather like I was told.

I scrunched my eyes at this and thought of leaving before anyone sees me here. However, before I could turn around and leave, my hand was grabbed by none other than Sean.

"Where do you think you are going, beautiful lady?" He asked me flirtatiously.

"Uhh...look Sean this is a really big party. And sorry to say, but this isn't something I imagined when I said yes. Please let me go. Crowded places aren't my thing." I said feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Victoria, I know you don't like crowded places, but how can you judge a book by its cover. This is a normal party, which is being held outside. The real get to gather party is inside and only a few people apart from us are there." Sean said while trying to pull me in.

"Okay. Let's make a deal. We go inside, and if you still feel that it is too much crowd for you to handle, I'll personally drop you at your home? Okay?" He said looking deeply at me, trying to get me to agree with it.

I felt myself relaxing when I looked into his eyes and thus, I smiled at him before muttering "okay".

Since I am already here, there is nothing wrong with giving it a last try.

After getting my approval, he started pulling me inside the house at a great speed as if eager to bring me there, while muttering a 'sorry' or 'get aside' occasionally.

When I reached inside the so-called house, I felt like I was standing in an ancient mansion or some fantasy palace. It was soo big and beautifully designed. Like a movie set.

Is this the place where they do all the parties? If yes, then it was great.

They had invested a lot in making such a place. Maybe it is used for other meetings too when the crowd of the whole town is needed to gather. 

I looked at the people who were dancing softly while laughing at each other's jokes. It was a different thing from what was going outside.

I spotted Daniel talking to some girl and as if he sensed my presence he immediately looked towards me with a polite smile.

"So what's say? Do I still need to drop you there, beautiful?" Sean whispered in my ears.

I shook my head at his words, looking around still dazed when he placed his hands on me while pulling me closer to himself.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. A good kind of shiver. 

It didn't felt right when I suddenly started feeling a warmth creeping my body, from where his hand was placed on my waist.

I looked at him wide-eyed before he winked at me and pulled me towards the dance floor.

I don't know what was happening to me? Do I like Sean? Is this why I was feeling this way? 

The questions suddenly started popping into my mind.

Deep in my thoughts, I almost lost my balance at the twirl he made, but he grabbed me at the right time. Pulling me closer to his chest, he looked into my eyes, gazing with soo many emotions crossing his eyes.

I don't know if I should do it or not, but thinking I needed to know what was going on, I put the barrier around my mind down a bit and tried to read his thoughts.

[So beautiful. Maybe if I try my best, I can have her. I am not finding my mate anyways. And she is a good girl. I feel attracted to her. Is she, my mate?] 

I heard the thoughts in his mind.

However, I couldn't concentrate much.

As if sensing something wrong with me, like he knew I was trying to read him, he looked at me with shocked-filled eyes, before leaving me from his grip.

I stumbled on my boots, already expecting a fall when someone held me. The pleasant electric shocks were there again.

I think I knew who held me. Standing straight, I turned around and was met by an angry face of none other than Alexander.


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