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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 6


I met her today. My mate.

It all began in the morning, inside the university. 

Everyone was happy because of my arrival and a huge crowd formed when I entered the gates of the university. My alpha-beta Daniel, Aiden, Sean, Matt and, their mates all were beside me. I was standing there talking with my friends about my not-so-good holidays, and that's when I smelled her. That same intoxicating scent that had been keeping me on edge for the last 3-4 days. The smell of whose trail, my wolf has been trying soo hard to find.

"Hey, Alexander, I forgot to tell you something. We have a new member in our group. Ummm... it's a human girl." Daniel said, immediately catching my attention.

"A human? Are you kidding me? Don't you know, that no human is to be involved in the group until and unless he/she is a mate of one of us." I asked utterly confused by his decision.

Normally, he was not the one to make such silly mistakes, then why did he do it now?

"Alex, I don't know this feeling yet. But I think she might be my mate. I just don't know about it. I have this strange sense of care and love towards her, but I am still not able to make sure because she is a human. If she was a werewolf it wouldn't have been so hard." He muttered looking clueless.

"Hey, Victoria! Over here!" 

I faintly heard Matt yelling to someone.

"I see where you are coming from but you've got to understand that there are some procedures to everything," I said trying to make it short, while my wolf was edging me to go and find our mate.

The smell of my mate was getting incredibly close and one thing was clear now, she was studying at this University. It won't be hard to catch her anymore.

"I understand Alex, I am-" I cut off Daniel mid-sentence, with my hand, when I felt her presence near me. 

Smelling the air normally, I could tell she was standing somewhere, near me.

Turning around I was utterly shocked when I saw her, the most beautiful girl in my life.

She was so dazzling that I couldn't take my eyes off of her. 

Her height was ideal considering she was my mate. I think she would reach somewhere a little above my chest. 

And her hairs, they were so long and looked soo smooth like silk strands.

Her eyes were an amber hazel color. She peeped a look at me and I stopped breathing then and there, shocked, not knowing what to do at this moment.

She was human! 

Oh god! What do I do? I don't know what should I do? Should I go there introduce myself as her mate? But that would look too creepy, what if she rejects me thinking I am some kind of psycho.

What should I do?! I was screaming inside my mind, asking my wolf for help. But he on the other hand was a different story. He was edging on the surface ready to pounce on her and mark her his.

Which I must remind him, will be the worst nightmare of her life.

"Alpha, I mean Alexander, this is Victoria, the girl I was talking about."

"Victoria this is the main member a.k.a leader of the group Alexander." Daniel introduced us.

I was still looking at her waiting for any reaction when she nodded at me in the introduction before smiling dazzlingly at everyone. Turning around she looked at me critically before leaving.

Why did she look at me like that? Did she not like me? Was she feeling bad that I didn't say hello? Should I hug her and say hello? 

My mind was in havoc now.

I looked forward and noticed, Daniel and Aiden placing their hands on her shoulders while entering the corridor and laughing along happily.

I was not a jealous kind of person. I know they were having fun just as friends but I don't know why I felt a sudden pang of jealousy hit me.

Like, I am her mate, thinking what should I do, while they who are also werewolves are befriending her without any care in the world.

'Wait! What did Daniel say? Does he have feelings for this human girl? Is she the same girl he was talking about?' I thought wide-eyed before rushing inside the building.

The next three hours were torturing as hell. My wolf wanted to go and see how our mate was doing. He even tempted me by saying that this university belongs to us and we can do anything we want.

I wanted to smack him at this one. He surely knows how to use his power.

As soon as the bell of lunch rang, I jumped up from my seat and rushed outside towards the canteen.

My group was already there. She was also there, sitting leisurely with my friends. I started moving towards her when I heard her words.

"Hey guys, I am gonna go and order myself something, do you guys want anything?" She said in her honey-laced voice.

As I started walking towards her, I saw Daniel standing ready to go with her. This made me walk faster to her side and before I could help it, I grabbed her hand.

The next thing that happened not only shocked her but me too. Electric shocks were running all over my body. And god forbid me but they felt so pleasurable. If grabbing her hand could do this to me, then what will holding her in my arms, kissing her, hugging her-.

I stopped the thoughts my wolf was implicating in my mind before I become too tempted.

"I have a few things to order too. Let's go." I said.

Nodding at me she moved towards the counter before ordering her things. I liked how she was scrunching her brows cutely in between, like a cat. 

Noticing how she gazed at the chocolate milkshakes with a happy expression, I made a mental note to buy things need to make these, first thing in the evening today. So that I can offer, whenever I bring her home.

She sat at a new table when she saw her seat was occupied there, which was of course accompanied by Daniel. And me, who has turned into a jealous freak over a day, also sat there.

I don't know if it was okay for me to hate my alpha-beta like that.

I nibbled at my food, watching how Daniel was flirting with my mate in front of me. I was already having a hard time controlling it, and it didn't help when Daniel was triggering my feelings like that.

My last string of control broke when he touched her hair pulling them behind her ears and then winked at her.

My wolf unknowingly released an angry low growl of warning, shocking both me and Daniel, which made me look at my mate who was busy wiping the spilled milkshake.

I immediately stood from my seat and left, followed by Daniel.

"What was that all about alpha?" He asked me.

I don't know if I should tell him anything or not. 

I couldn't tell him because I can't mark her yet.

We have heard in many movies and stories that an Alpha forces his mark on his mate and then they live happily ever after. But this was not the case here.


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