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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 66


It was already 6:40 am, and currently, I was walking towards Alexander's mansion to have a dual with Laila. 

I know it was probably stupid of me to fight for his love, but I wasn't a loser. I at least wanted to fight with Laila to check my capabilities before I conclude that maybe I wasn't good enough for him.

I had practiced all day yesterday, and had tried to master the power of Earth, which was unbelievably healing too. My leg that was broken yesterday was completely fine now. And apart from a few scratches here and there, I don't think there was any serious wound left.

Reaching the mansion's main gate, I tightened the rubber band around my hair before taking a deep breath.

This fight will either define that I was capable and the right choice for Alexander, or it will completely ruin my love life today.

Entering the gate, I immediately spotted the duo and a few more guys who were there to train probably. The crowd was much less in comparison to what I had observed that day.

"Look the loser is here. Shall we begin?" Laila scoffed, making me roll my eyes at her.

"Victoria, are you sure you want to fight today. You are not really in a good condition. How about we postpone this fight?" I heard Theodore saying as he walked towards me.

"For a father who can't even control his son and teach him some good manners, you surely are very supportive of me." I scoffed, remembering how one of the ladies in the town had told me how he had disregarded his elder brother's son saying something like that.

"If it was in my control, I would've surely done something, Victoria." He said with a saddened face.

"I don't see a use of council head then. If you can't even bring justice to your pack members and save them from the cruelties of the royals, then what is the use of this council? Or is it because this time it's your son rather than someone else's son that you are willing to be ignorant of the matter." I commented before walking towards Alexander but halted my steps when I noticed how his eyes were fixated on Laila, who was flexing her body while warming up.

"Victoria, I am sorry, it's all because of me-" Daniel started, but I couldn't help but shake my head at him.

It wasn't his fault. All he did was care for me and if Alexander was thinking soo much into things, then it was his fault because from what I can see, he didn't even think about me twice when he was getting down with Laila.

"If the girl is done talking to her lover, then shall we start? I have an important matter to tend to. Like pleasuring my girlfriend?" Alexander said with a cocky smirk on his face.

His words were like a deep stab in my heart, but I controlled my tears. I don't want to cry at his words. 

I want to make this Laila cry instead, who was an indirect reason for my miseries.

"Let's start," I said, immediately getting in my fighting position.

I thought they would do some bow thing before starting, what I didn't expect was Laila to immediately start as she directly punched my face, and I, who wasn't ready for it, took it straight.


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