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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 67


Suffocation. That was all I was feeling right now. It was a disgusting and pathetic feeling. 

Opening my eyes, I looked around myself and found nothing but water. Was I in some kind of ocean? 

I felt suffocated. I can't breathe. I want to get out of this water. I need to get out of here.

I have to. 

I have to tell them the truth, or it will be too late.

Water. My throat was so itchy. Something was clawing at my throat. What's this feeling? It hurts. It's antagonizing.

"Sir, what do we do with him?" Someone said near me.

"We keep him under observation. If he goes out of here, all our plans will be busted and we can't risk that. Besides, it's not my call to kill him. Patrick wants him." Someone else said.

"This makes me think, what is he any use to this old witch anyways?" The man that talked earlier said.

'Uhh...what are they talking about?' I thought while looking around myself, feeling everything around me circling. I feel dizzy. Someone get me out of this water. It's getting in my lungs now. I can't breathe. My throat feels constricted. 

"I don't know. But when I came after meeting him last time, I eavesdropped on his conversation with someone, and he was talking about blackmailing someone with him. Another witch maybe." Someone said, and I couldn't help but feel fear creeping my body.

Why wasn't I able to move my body? I looked around myself at the clean blue water as I flailed my hands, but to no avail did my body move. What was happening? Why was I stuck in this position? Why wasn't my body moving?!

I wanted to scream for help, but someone was clawing at it. Looking up, I could see a hint of dim light, like there was some hope. 

'Help!' I tried to scream, but no words came out of my mouth.

Closing my eyes again, I searched my mind for anything, but all I could see was a beautiful shiny white wolf that looked back at me while tilting its head.

A Wolf? What is it? Why do I feel a connection to it? Why can't I remember anything?

Pawing near me, the wolf swam in the ocean as he came near me, nudging me with his snout. The wolf looked at me weirdly as if he was in some pain, and I involuntarily thought about the only name that struck my mind.

"Carla?" With that, I felt darkness engulfing my body again.



'Jesus! What a weird dream!' I thought while gasping for air as I felt deeply suffocated. 

What was this all about? Why do I feel like something's wrong?

'What do you want to tell me, Carla? You have been laying unresponsive since Alexander behaved indifferently to us. But now you showed me this kind of weird dream? What is the meaning of this? Why was there a dark pit everywhere? Why couldn't I breathe? What is the meaning of all this?' I asked her, but she only looked indifferently at me with a monotonous look before looking the other way.

"Huh!! Sometimes, I don't get what do you want anymore. I know you are hurt because of what Alexander did to us, but I am hurt too. I also loved him. But rather than consoling me as you should, what are you doing? Just lying there like a pathetic wolf that you are. I've even decided to live in this mansion till I get my answers, but what about you? What efforts have you made till now?" I shouted at her, not knowing where to vent my anger anymore.

As if my words finally hit a sore spot in her, she stood on her paws before making something in the air.

It looked like a heart symbol. 

"Heart?" I asked, and she shook her head.


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