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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 9


Waking up early in the morning I decided to take a quick run to the lake, to enjoy its magnificent view.

Since today was a Sunday, there was no hurry to going to university. I still had plenty of hours before Alexander would come and pick me for the day out.

It's been quite a few days since we became friends, and let me be very honest with the fact, his friendship was the best feeling in the world. 

He had been taking care of me as a boyfriend, loving me as a friend, and was always there if I needed anything. After a lot of courage, I also told him about the death of my parents and the real reason why I was here.

There had been times when things became heated between us, like when it comes to choosing between him or food, I'll always choose food and he would get angry over that, but to be very honest, I don't think I can choose anything over him anymore.

Coming back to the present, we were going to a Carnival on the countryside beach which was around 1.5, hours away from here. Don't ask me, it was his plan and I couldn't deny him when he said he wanted to go. Besides, we were not alone, everyone including Daniel, Aiden, Chris, Angela, Tina, Sean was going.

Quickly changing into a decent pair of comfortable clothes, I locked the door before running towards the lake.

It was looking more beautiful than I expected, with the sun just above the horizon, spreading its redness both in the sky and on the lake, it appeared orangish-red in color, with small fishes swimming in it.

Breathing in the fresh air, I smiled looking up in the sky. It was soo calm and tranquil with birds chirping melodically. Sighing loudly, I was about to sit on the same rock where I sit daily when I heard him coming or should I say sneaking behind me.

"You came," I said without looking behind.

He also had been keeping me a good company since the day we met. I don't know what and over me that I named this wolf, thunder. If someone would see me, he might think there's something wrong with my head for me to play with a wolf almost 2.5 my size like this.

However, I liked him soo much that, I couldn't even describe what to say about him. He was large, there was no doubt in it, but he looked so domestic, besides when he is near me, I always feel a strange sense of being protected. I mean, with his size, he can protect me from other wolves and wild animals at least.

He sat beside me in an upright position, looking at me with adorable eyes.

"Huh!! God is so cruel. Even a large animal like you looks more adorable than me." I said before ruffling his fur. He would look offended whenever I would touch his ears, but I knew he liked it because he would always release a small bowl whenever I stop.

"You know, today I am going to a Carnival with my friends. Do you know what a carnival is? How would you know? It is somewhere, where we humans can play and have fun. 

There are lots of rides, interesting things, shops, and food. Do you guys have something like this? Maybe you guys collect hunted animals and place them in between before enjoying the feast? Maybe that's your kind of party I guess?" I mumbled to no one in particular.

"I might not come in the evening to meet you. Will you miss me?" I asked as I laid my head on his back while ruffling him.

A small howl from him confirmed that he would miss me. I know it was pretty insane to talk with him. He might not even understand most of my words, but something in the look he throws at me every time I share something with him, tells me, he gets everything I tell him.

"Time passed soo quickly when I am with you. If you were a man like the Jacob one in the Twilight movie, I would've taken you to my home so that we could always be together." I said, then laughing at my imagination.

Was it even real for a human to change into a wolf? Maybe it's just because of me living alone in that large house, I am feeling a sense of loneliness, and desire for someone to share that house with me. Plus, those ancient stories that Marla told me have gotten into my head.

Seeing me lost in my imagination, thunder nuzzled my neck almost making me fall on my butt in the process.

"You are soo cute, I don't think, my house gate will be able to take you in, besides people in the town will get scared if I take you. We'll meet again tomorrow okay?" I asked while kissing his head multiple times.

I don't know why but I always feel like I should coax him. Showing adoration and love to him, always makes me happier, which in turn makes me love him more.

Kissing him goodbye, I started running towards my house with my wild imaginations of how to make him enter my house still going inside my head.

I washed up quickly, took a shower, and got dressed in comfortable jeans and a top with my windbreaker jacket and boots. Preparing myself a quick breakfast that mainly contained pasta and milkshake, I started eating enjoying my masterpiece. There were still 30 minutes or so till Alexander's arrival.

Maybe I can watch a movie till then, I have a habit of watching a movie at the speed of 2x while skipping things anyways. 

Before I could even decide in which movie to watch, the doorbell rang, confusing me, as to who it is. Marla never comes early in the morning.

Shrugging my shoulders I yelled, 'coming' before standing to open the door.

"Hey, morning beautiful," Alexander said hugging me, as soon as I opened the door.


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