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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 8


The next day at university.

Today I decided to wear an oversized hoodie that's covering more than half of my face to save my ass

I know what I did yesterday was a little bit exaggerated. I mean Daniel and his friends were so good to me these past days, even helping me get over my sadness unknowingly, and in return, I insulted the main member of their group, that they respected soo much, practically insulting them.

Entering the University gate, the first thing that I noticed, was them standing in the parking lot, beside a red Bugatti. 

Pulling my hoodie down a bit, so that my face is covered properly I dashed towards the entrance of the university, with my eyes constantly on the group to make a sharp escape, however, my oh so genius plan as always, didn't work and before I could even take 10 steps, my hoodie was pulled back by someone.

"Geez! Look at you Victoria. What are you doing being so secretive and all that?" Chris asked before dragging me towards the group while still holding onto my hoodie.

'Well, you can let go of me now, you know?' I wanted to scream at him.

Though I was more than 5'10" in front of him, I still looked short and with him holding onto my hoodie like that, it appeared like an elder scolding a child while dragging him.

"Look what we have here," Chris announced to get everyone's attention.

And soon, I was able to achieve everyone's attention. I was feeling soo happy. Not.

Snapping at Chris's hands, I loosened my hoodie from his grip before standing straight. 

I should say sorry anyway. I indeed made a mistake yesterday.

"Look, guys, about yesterday-" Before I could complete my sentence I smelled an intoxicating scent coming from behind me, and my mind started screaming at me to turn behind immediately, which I did.

"Hey, um, Victoria. Can we talk? Alone?" Alexander said awkwardly scratching his head, before giving me a boyish smile.

And let me be honest, my heart instantly melted then and there.

"Ooohhhhhh." Everyone started teasing him at his awkwardness.

"Sure," I said, placing my hands in my pockets before walking out of the parking lot once, I made sure Alexander was following me.

Once, we were at enough distance( according to Alexander), which was at the backside of University near the forest, I turned to him, with my eyebrows raised.

"So?" I asked, not knowing how to start the conversation.

Well, this was awkward. He indeed was a bit rude to me, but I think I yelled at him 10 folds of what he said to me, calling him a psychopath.

"Umm, I don't know what to say. I just want to apologize to you about yesterday night, at the party, I mean. I know we didn't start well, but I am just hoping that you can forget all of that, maybe we can start afresh?" He said coming close to me while holding my hands.

That intoxicating scent that had me attracted, wafted through my nostrils, immediately making me hazy. I looked at our joined hands, and couldn't help but like the feeling of his hands intertwined with mine. 

Inching closer to him, I was about to smell him when I heard the sound of a twig breaking, and all my senses came back to me hitting me like a cold wind.

Widening my eyes, at this new sensation and our proximity, I pulled away from my hands before making some distance between us. I don't know what it was, but touching him, always makes me want more. 

And what is with this smell, that I keep attracting me.

"I wanted to say sorry too. I mean you were indeed rude to me, no doubt, but what I said was also unforgivable. I mean, I called you a psychopath, that you should see a doctor, that something-" 

"Okay. You can stop. We don't want to remember those things again, now do we?" He laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, you are probably right." I laughed along when I realized I was about to insult him again by repeating those words.

"So friends?" He asked extending his hand, with that handsome smile on his face.

"Friends., I assured smiling back at him while controlling my mind to not waiver when I felt those pleasurable shocks again.

"Let's go, I don't want to miss my lecture, I said before pulling away from my hand and rushing towards the front.


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