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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 78

Blaze POV:

Kyra walked into the house, leaving Zayne and me outside on the porch.

To say I was angry at what he just revealed would be an understatement.

It feels like there has always been someone after her.

Before her first shift, it was unmated males constantly vying for her attention; then Devin came along, and he was after her for her powers; then she had her first shift and will be taking her rightful place as the Queen, and I’m informed that there are already people ready to challenge her.I’m tired of someone constantly being after my mate in one way or another.I know she will accept any challenge; I knew before she even said it; that’s just how she is.

She has never been one to run scared, but she also needs to understand that no matter who the challenge is from or what the reason for the challenge is, they will always have to go through me first.

It has always been my job to protect her, and that will always be my job.It is a job that I don’t take lightly and am honored to have.

"Is it the vamps or witches?"

I questioned Zayne as soon as the door shut behind her.I knew it couldn’t be any of the shifters; they would be more than happy to have her as a leader.

My gut told me it was the witches, considering the leader of the vamps has made it clear he is proud to call her Queen.

Zayne looked slightly uncomfortable as he stood before me, "I’m not sure.I know a group of rebellious vamps and some dark magic witches have banned together recently, and I feel like it will be from them if anything."

I gritted my teeth as my fist clenched beside me, "I'll tear them to shreds.Kyra will be the Queen even if they don’t like it."

I could feel this new rage igniting deep within.It is something I have only begun experiencing since mating with Kyra.

To know this is what she had been experiencing breaks my heart.I could see how, in full force, it would be overwhelming to her and near impossible to control.

It explains a lot of her behavior.I’m happy to say she seems to be doing much better since our mating, though.

"You won’t be doing it alone.You know damn well I will be there, as will our parents, grandparents, and well, the whole damn pack.She will never have to face anything alone,"

Zayne said thoughtfully, "I just needed to give y’all a heads up.I’ll see y’all tomorrow."

Zayne patted my shoulder before he took off in a jog to run the borders.

Even though he is Kyra’s younger brother, he always acted more like an older brother, and truth be told, I’ve always seen him as my brother too.

He’s a powerful wolf, taking after Alpha Dane, and will one day make a significant Alpha to this pack.I stood on the porch a few minutes longer, staring off into the trees as I tried to get my anger under control before going in.

I slowly walked through the front door, locking it behind me, before searching for Kyra.I love being able to feel her emotions now, but at the same time, I hate it.

Like right now, after hearing what Zayne had to say, she feels doubtful and angry.She has every right to be angry, but I can’t stand that she doubts herself.She will make an excellent Queen, even at her young age.

Most of the lights in the house were still off, except for the hallway light.

As I made my way down, I stopped and looked down, smiling as I realized Kyra had left a trail of clothes straight to our room.

My pace quickened as I walked through our doorway.

It was dark in our room, aside from the light shining under the bathroom door.

Chapter 78: Part 2: Chapter 22 1


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