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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 81

Kyra POV

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous.

This lady, whoever she may be, had her whole life to practice and perfect her powers.Me, I’ve only had a few months, and not once have I practiced with a witch.I assumed and hoped that my powers worked on them the same way they did on werewolves and vampires, but no one knows for sure.I guess we are about to find out, though.I took a deep breath, masking any uncertainties I had, and blocked out the snarls and murmurs going on around me.

Now was the time to focus, and I really hoped that if things didn’t go in my favor, no one would intervene to protect me.I couldn’t expect the respect of all species if I couldn’t even win against one woman who evidently wanted me dead, seeing as how she wanted a fight to the death.

As I tried to pull myself from my thoughts, I was hit with something powerful.I landed with a thud before sliding across the ground momentarily.

My anger slowly began to rise as I stood back up, not bothering to dust myself off.

Okay, so this woman was stronger than I thought; not once did she utter a single word out loud or raise her hands.I still wasn’t to that level yet.

Though I didn’t need to speak any words out loud, I still used my hands to help focus my thoughts and energy.I began circling her, trying to decide what would be my best move; unfortunately, that was the wrong move on my part.

Without even turning to face me, I was once again flung back.

As I skid to a stop on the rocky ground, I heard him, You are not fighting another werewolf! Stop acting as if you are; you will get yourself killed! Awave of rage rushed through me at Blaze’s words.I knew it was a mixture of his anger and my own, but he did make a valid point.

This was also something I struggled with during all of my training.

A choking sound behind me, followed by many loud gasps and growls, caught my attention.I quickly turned to look for the source to find Blaze on his knees, holding his throat as if he was being strangled.

Everyone from our pack was rushing to his side, trying to find a way to help him.

At that moment, all I could see was red.

The overwhelming, uncontrollable rage I fought after shifting was back in full force.

I spun around, throwing my hand out as I did, lifting the old b***h from the ground, making sure everyone in the crowd could see her clearly.

The sudden surge of power racing through my veins felt like electricity crackling inside.

"I warned you..."

I growled out before quickly twisting my wrist and snapping her neck.I stood frozen in place, letting her limp form fall to the ground.I barely registered the shocked gasp around me; the only thought on my mind was the safety of my mate.

The warmth of my Blaze’s arms wrapping around me protectively soothed my anger instantly.

I turned to face him, fighting back the tears, "I’m so sorry..."

I whispered so only he could hear.

"For what, babe? You did great, and I’m proud of you." He responded before pecking me on my forehead.

"Once again, your life was in danger because of me ..""

And it was true.

Being my mate has put him in danger more times than I’d like to remember.

Chapter 81: Part 2: Chapter 25 1

Chapter 81: Part 2: Chapter 25 2

Chapter 81: Part 2: Chapter 25 3


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