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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 82

Blaze POV:

I couldn't be more proud of Kyra if I wanted to.She handled everything just the way she should have, though she does need to stop thinking everyone battles like us werewolves...especially when it comes to witches.

They are notorious for not fighting fair.

But she did well.

Now we are watching as Alpha Dane and Devin circle each other, both waiting for the other to make the first move.I knew Alpha Dane would want a fair fight with Devin, it's who he is, but from the looks of it, I'm the only one that seemed to know this.

Though Alpha Dane is one of the best fighters around, Devin is of royal blood.

The training he has had his whole life does put him at somewhat of an advantage.My nerves are on edge as everyone watches the two.I can tell that Alpha Dane is becoming impatient as he snarls, trying to let Devin be the first to attack.

No luck, though; Devin isn't stupid; he's looking for a weak spot the same way Alpha Dane is.

This is going to be a close battle.

Kyra's grip tightened around my arm as Devin lunged at her dad.He's fast, though, and dodges easily, running his claws down Devin's side.

The smell of iron fills the air as blood runs down, soaking into the air.

A wild look fills Devin's eyes as he regains his balance.

To my surprise, Alpha Dane carelessly rushes Devin.

The one thing he makes sure we understand never to do, and he does it.I understand...kind of.

Emotions are high right now, and I feel like, for the first time ever, Alpha Dane is letting his feelings interfere with this fight.

If he continues to do this, he won't win; we all know that will only lead to chaos.I can feel Kyra's anger begin to rise as the two men snap and claw at each other, both drawing blood with each swipe.

As Devin gets the upper hand, I feel Kyra as she moves to step forward.

"Don't!" I tell her, pulling her closer to me.

Her eyes show nothing but hate as she looks at me, "I'm done with this .." she grits out.

Shaking my head, I hold her tighter, "You may be done with this, but your dad isn't.Don't interfere.Don't strip him of his pride and dignity.This is what he does.He needs this, and he would never forgive you if you aided him in any way,"

I tried to be gentle with her as I spoke, but I knew how her interference would make him feel.

All these years, he has doubted himself as a protector because of Devin and what happened to Luna Holly; he needs this more than anyone.

He needs to be the one to kill the worthless bastard.

And if he can't win this fight on his own, then I know he would rather die trying than have his daughter or wife save him...again.

Kyra narrowed her eyes at me, "Fine, but I will not let him be killed."

Let's hope that it doesn't come to that, I thought as I focused my attention back on the fight in front of us.

I knew no one here could stop her from saving her dad, but I also knew what that would do to him and their relationship.

Kyra and her dad are incredibly close, and I'm afraid her saving him would only break that bond they share.I glanced at my dad, his muscles tense as he clenched his fist at his side.

As not only the beta but Alpha Dane's best friend, it was killing my dad not to jump in and protect him.I could see the internal struggle he was having.

It's his job to protect his Alpha, but right now, he can't.It seemed everyone around me was fighting a silent battle against themselves for the same reason.

The amount of love and respect this pack has for Alpha Dane is mind-blowing; there isn't a single wolf here that doesn't like him.

Both men were getting worn out as they circled each other again; the threatening growl creeping from Alpha Dane sent a shiver up my spine.

I had never seen him like this before.I have seen him fight, just never the way he is right now...and honestly, it worries me.

He's still letting his emotions cloud his judgment.

As Devin attacked, slicing open Alpha Dane's side, I once again looked at my dad.

It didn't take me long to realize he was mind-linking with someone.

Goddess, I hope he wasn't planning on jumping into the middle of this.I soon realized he must have been mind-linking Alpha Dane.

Whatever dad said to Alpha Dane worked.

Dane stood up to his full height, not showing any signs of pain; his focus now seemed to be back, the intense emotions that were once dictating his attacks no longer in control.

Devin launched himself at Dane only to be caught between Dane's jaws and slammed to the ground.


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