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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212 

Violet ate very quickly. After eating the single set meal, she planned to leave

Freddie urged her to stay. Aren’t you going to sit for a while longer?” 

Violet shook her head. No, my boyfriend called me and asked me to go back early tonight back then!” 

Freddie felt terrible, but he still endured it. Is he good to you?” 

Violet thought of Patrick’s recent strange behavior and smiled. Not bad!” 

Freddie was shocked by her smile

Perhaps that man really treated her quite well, which was why she could not help but smile like this

He forced a smile. That’s good. You can go first. I’ll sit for a while!” 

Violet nodded and got up to leave

Dioger was on the fifteenth floor of the commercial building. There were two elevators 

in it

Violet did not know that when she went downstairs, someone took the elevator and 

went up

Violet went downstairs and drove straight home

Violet had just left when Patrick arrived at Dioger.. 

When he went in, Violet was already gone

Patrick was very angry and suddenly felt a little lost

He originally wanted to get someone to check the surveillance footage, but he suddenly thought so what if he saw the surveillance footage? Should he take it to Violet and question her

Patrick had never been so depressed before. He shook his head weakly and sat by the window

He was staring out the window in a daze when he heard a familiar voice. Patrick!” 

Patrick looked up and saw his eldest brother, Freddie

He frowned and was not in a good mood. Freddie, why are you here?” 

16:12 Sat, 24 Feb 

Chapter 212 

Patrick had only paid attention to identifying the women in the restaurant and was looking for Violet. He had not paid attention to the men at all


He also didn’t pay attention to Freddie’s attire. Otherwise, he would have noticed at a glance that Freddie’s jacket was exactly the same as the man’s in the photo that Bob sent 


Freddie was a little helpless. I was here just now. You came in a hurry and ran around. You didn’t even look at me! What’s wrong with you? What happened?” 

Patrick could discuss love matters with Robert, but he was not used to telling Freddie

He looked at Freddie and shook his head. Nothing. I’m looking for someone. What about you? Why are you here?” 

Freddie smiled angrily. Of course, I’m here to eat!” 

Patrick nodded absentmindedly and suddenly stood up. Freddie, I still have something to do. I’ll leave first!” 

Freddie saw that he had come and left in a hurry. He said angrily, Come home a few more times when you are free. Mom keeps talking about you!” 

Patrick was stunned and nodded. Okay, got it!” 

With that, he turned around and left

That was right, Freddie was his biological brother, and they had the same father and


His mother was the only daughter of the Hersey family in Leken City. He took his mother’s surname, and his eldest brother took his father’s

However, Patrick returned from studying abroad six years ago and started his own. business. Very few people knew his true identity

On the way back to Hersey Court, Patrick looked at the neon lights outside the car and lit a cigarette in frustration

He suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He could have any woman he wanted, but he just had a crush on a woman whom he had a nominal marriage with

In fact, this process was completely unreasonable. By the time he reacted, that woman seemed to be important in his heart

When he thought of his actions today, he felt even more frustrated

Patrick returned to Hersey Court. Thinking that the house was empty, he did not want 


Chapter 212 

to go back. He sat in the car alone and started smoking

He smoked a few cigarettes. In the end, he felt a bit headache. He extinguished the last cigarette and got out of the car

Patrick thought that Violet had not returned yet and had gone on a date with that unknown man in a strange place

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Violet’s shoes at the entrance

His expression changed. Without changing his shoes, he strode in and saw Violet sitting in the dining room, eating dinner

Patrick looked at Violet with a complicated expression

Violet heard the noise and looked up at him. Hello, Mr. Hersey. I didn’t know you could cook!” 

Patrick did not answer her question. He just stared at her sharply, as if he wanted to see through her

Violet smiled awkwardly and lowered her head to eat

Patrick looked at her expressionlessly. He walked over without saying a word and sat down opposite her

Violet immediately felt a little nervous. What was wrong with Patrick

Although Violet did not look up, his approach still made Violet feel an inexplicable 


Patrick suddenly said in a faint tone, You haven’t eaten your fill outside?” 

Violet looked up at him and immediately shook her head. I’m full, but I see that your food is quite good, so I want to try it!” 

Patrick stared at Violet and asked casually, Who did you have dinner with?” 

Violet was stunned and was about to answer

Patrick spoke directly. His tone was extremely heavy. Megan was playing with Robert when dinner time!” 

Violet’s heart skipped a beat and she thought, Did he know that I was lying?” 

Her expression changed. She pursed her lips and told the truth. I had dinner with a friend!” 

Chapter 212


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