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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 

Patrick probably did not expect such a truth like this. His expression was momentarily stunned

Violet’s tone was very aggressive. I don’t know who said that in front of you, but I have to tell you, I, Violet, didn’t do anything to let you down. Believe it or not! Instead, it’s you. You have an ambiguous relationship with Rose, and your rumors are everywhere. Did

say anything

What right do you have to slander me like this? We’ve indeed registered our marriage, and I should keep a distance from other men. I have no objections to this, but this marriage certificate doesn’t just restrict me, right? Patrick, I also have my own bottom line. Don’t go too far!” 

This was the first time Violet was so angry and shouted at Patrick like this

Patrick was stunned. He suddenly felt that he was a little clumsy. He looked uneasy and did not know how to explain. Violet, II didn’t mean that!” 

Violet stood up from her seat and looked at Patrick coldly. I don’t 

care what you mean. If you have any questions in the future, you can just say it. Please don’t slander me anymore. I won’t accept it!” 

After saying that, Violet turned around and left the restaurant

Patrick rubbed his hair in frustration and extinguished his cigarette on the plate at the side. He reached out to rub the space between his eyebrows and felt a severe headache

He had always hoped that Violet would mind Rose. That way, he would was jealous

guess if Violet 

However, Violet could not have said it out of jealousy under such circumstances. She was just complaining

Patrick felt a little upset, but he did not know how to explain it to Violet

Rose’s matter was easy to explain, but Violet clearly didn’t mind this

Patrick thought, She minds that I don’t ask for the reason today and directly confirm that she has an ambiguous relationship with Freddie

But how am I going to explain this? Am I going to say that I didn’t think that way. didn’t misunderstand her? However, the truth was that not only did I misunderstand her, but I also rushed to the restaurant to find her!” 


Because of the quarrel, Patrick did not sleep well the entire night. The next day, when 

Chapter 213 

24 Feb 

he woke up, Violet was no longer in Hersey Court


He sat at the dining table alone and smiled bitterly. He thought, Violet is really angry with me! What should I do now?” 

He had always been clear about Violet’s stubbornness. In the beginning, when she registered her marriage with him, she insisted on taking revenge by herself event though she clearly had him as her backer

At that time, he knew that her stubbornness and determination were innate. It would be very hard for him to make her change her mind

It seemed that it would not be easy for him to coax her this time

Robert knew that Patrick had a quarrel with Violet and immediately began to gloat

Robert sent a message to Patrick. [I sympathize with you. You’ve only taken the first step in chasing her and you’re already starting to quarrel with her. I feel that you won’t succeed!

[Say it again!

[You haven’t even gotten her, and you’re already starting to quarrel with her. Patrick, you will fail. Do you understand?

[It’s all that Bob’s fault. He sent me a photo for no reason yesterday, causing me to misunderstand Violet. Otherwise, what happened after wouldn’t have happened!

[Patrick, I’ll be honest with you. You shouldn’t have blamed Bob. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not believing Violet. If you believed her from the bottom of your heart, your first reaction would probably be to verify the truth and not believe what others said! However, I still can’t figure it out. The two of them ate together and even asked for a single set meal and a couple’s set meals. Ordinary people really wouldn’t have thought of this!

[Who would have thought of this? When they saw the couple’s set meals, anyone would think that they were a couple! It’s not my fault!

[No! This is your fault! You didn’t believe her!

[I will completely believe her from now on. Is it too late?

[Don’t be too sure. What will you think if you see her hugging an old man next time?

Patrick was a little speechless

Robert continued. [I knew it. Your trust is just words. Why don’t you think that person is her family member? Didn’t you say that Violet is not Henry’s biological daughter

Sat, 24 

Chapter 213 

There are many possibilities for everything. Don’t be narrowminded and hurt her like. that!

[I understand! Then do I still have to bring Rose to the business dinner tonight?

It was originally Robert’s idea that Patrick should bring Rose to attend and provoke Violet to be jealous

Robert sent, [Don’t bring Rose. You have to bring Violet! What are you hesitating for? If you still bring Rose today, I advise you to break up with Violet immediately! Wasn’t Violet’s meaning very clear last night?

[Violet is angry that you treat her unfairly. You’re so close to Rose, yet you still want Violet to be chaste. Most importantly, Violet has a clear conscience and doesn’t do anything to let you down. You’re still slandering her. She must have had a fight with. you. I think that Violet is also a righteous girl. If you really want to be with her, stay away from Rose in the future!

[I know!

Violet stayed in Megan’s home for a day. At four o’clock in the afternoon, Patrick called

Violet was still angry and directly hung up

Patrick did not call again. Instead, he sent her a message on WhatsApp directly

[Violet, pick up the phone. I have something to tell you!

Violet looked at this message and thought of what happened last night. Her eyes turned red for some reason and she felt extremely aggrieved

She just didn’t tell Patrick last night that she had dinner with Freddie because she didn’t want Freddie to affect her life

Unexpectedly, Patrick misunderstood her and did this to her without asking for the 


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