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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Sophia listened to the discussions among the members of the design department and felt outraged. She thought the people in the design department were simply disgusting, all hoping for Violet to end up with a bad outcome

In the stairwell, Violet answered her phone with a blank expression. Hello. What do you want?” 

Henry snorted. Now you don’t even call me Dad?” 

Violet felt a shiver run down her spine when she heard his voice. She responded with sarcasm, Does someone who drugs his own daughter and hands her over to other men have the right to be called Dad?” 

Henry was momentarily taken aback, recalling the events of the previous night. He maintained a calm facade. Violet, what’s your relationship with Patrick Hersey?” 

How is that any of your business?Violet’s voice was sharp and unyielding. Then aren’t you afraid I might take action against Charles’s company?Henry’s tone carried a clear threat

Violet scoffed. As long as you can outmatch Patrick, go ahead.” 

Henry remained silent for a couple of seconds and then said, It seems like what Patrick said last night is true. Are you two married?” 

Violet remained silent, refusing to answer the question. Henry did not press further on the matter, instead moving on to the main issue. Alright, let’s put everything else aside for now. Shouldn’t you withdraw your lawsuit against Veronica?” 

Henry’s tone was confident as if he believed Violet would definitely comply and withdraw the lawsuit

Violet’s heart raced with disgust. Why should I withdraw the lawsuit? She plagiarized my work. Shouldn’t she be punished for that?” 

Henry completely dismissed Violet’s words. Do you think the internet users will see it that way? Or do you believe that Patrick can help you? No matter how capable he is, he can’t change the opinions of so many people online, can he?Violet’s trembling l*ps tightened as she gripped her phone tightly out of disgust. Henry continued, Don’t rely on Patrick to help you. To be frank with you, if Veronica is driven to commit suicide because of this, even if you win the lawsuit, what will it achieve? At most, it will make everyone see you as heartless. Furthermore, if you don’t withdraw the lawsuit and win, I’ll expose your marriage to Patrick at this critical moment. How do you think people will react then? They’ll just see you as bullying others with your power.” 

Violet seethed with anger. Aren’t you afraid I’ll post your words online?” 

Henry shrugged it off. Go ahead and post them. What does that prove? I’m just trying to advise you to withdraw the lawsuit, from a father’s perspective, to help you and your sister reconcile. Do you really think the internet users will be on your side?” 

He continued, And don’t think you’re the only one who can record conversations. I can do it too. This conversation can easily prove that you’re married to Patrick. If you don’t want to be seen as a bully, you’d better drop the lawsuit.” Henry not only left himself without the possibility of being blamed by the public but also turned around and threatened Violet

Violet had not expected that Henry would completely side with Veronica. She hung up the phone with a grim expression

The fact that she was married to Patrick was not something that could never be revealed, but right now, it was definitely the worst possible timing for such disclosure

Veronica had just tried to take her own life, and people were sympathizing with her. If everyone suddenly found out that Patrick and Violet were married, they would likely assume that Violet was using Patrick’s influence to bully Veronica. In that case, it would be very difficult for Violet to prove her innocence, and she would likely face public condemnation

At the same time, at the hospital, Veronica received a call from Russell. Veronica, you bitch! I can’t believe you’re blaming everything on me!Veronica rolled her eyes, looking at her newly manicured nails, and replied, Well, your reputation is already in the gutter, so a bit more scandal doesn’t really matter. Besides, aren’t we still technically married? Isn’t it normal for spouses to face difficulties together?” 

I’ll divorce you. I want a divorce right now. You’re nothing but a venomous serpent.” 

Hah!Veronica scoffed. I’m a venomous serpent? Well, what does that make you, trying to kick me to the curb the moment trouble hits? Since you’re heartless, I might as well get tough. How else can I match up to you?” 

Russell seethed with anger. Veronica, mark my words, I won’t let you enjoy any good fortune. You pretend to be innocent, don’t you? Well, I’ll show everyone your true colors.” 

Veronica’s heart skipped a beat. She had been with Russell for two years, and there had to be something he could use against her. If he turned the tables on her online, her plans would be ruined

Her eyes flashed, and she quickly put on a pitiful tone, sniffling as she spoke, Russell, I had no choice. Violet has married Patrick now, and she’s using him to go after me ruthlessly. I didn’t want to tarnish your name, but she pushed me to the brink. Otherwise, how could I have tried to take my own life?” 


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