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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Sophia’s face turned pale as she spoke huffily in an exasperated tone, I’m not a social climber. I have not known her for a long time. I just believe that she’s definitely not the type of person you guys are talking about.” 

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to what she was saying. They all completely believed what Joanna said

Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s Violet’s assistant. Of course, she’d speak up for Violet. Anyway, even if I have the ability to create designs like Violet, what’s the harm in sharing a few with my own sister? I would never press my own sister to this extent. She’s really heartless.” 

Besides, have you noticed that trouble follows her wherever she goes? Isn’t 

Oceanen Jewelry in turmoil and running into trouble with the law because of her? I didn’t expect that something would happen so soon after she arrived at 

Foreverie Jewelry.” 

Tsk, tsk, tsk, she’s a real jinx.” 

You are just talking nonsense.” Sophia’s voice quivered with anger

It was easy for them to merely voice their opinions. It wasn’t their designs that were stolen, so they were naturally generous to feel it was not a big deal

Joanna cast a contemptuous glance at Sophia and sarcastically curled her l*p. Violet approached with a stern expression and helped Sophia to her feet. Don’t argue with them. It won’t accomplish anything even if you win.” 

After saying that, she looked at the crowd. Don’t rush to take sides. It’s not the final moment yet. If you pick sides too soon, you might end up regretting it.” 

Violet said this and then pulled Sophia toward the exit

Sophia’s eyes were red, resembling a frightened rabbit

When she entered the elevator with Violet, she apologized with teary eyes. Violet, I’m sorry.” 

Violet gave her a calm glance. What are you apologizing for? You don’t owe me an apology.” 

Sophia bit her l*p. I shouldn’t have argued with them and upset you.” 

Violet slowly shook her head and sighed. It’s not that you upset me. It’s just that arguing with them is pointless. But thanks for standing up for me anyway.Sophia looked at Violet with a pitiable expression. Violet, II heard about you two years ago. I applied for the job yesterday afternoon because I knew you were coming to Foreverie Jewelry. I really admired that design you did two years ago.” Violet showed a bitter smile. Unfortunately, I haven’t created any other designs since then.” 

Isn’t that because Veronica stole and plagiarized your designs?Sophia’s expression was one of righteous indignation

Violet looked at her with a complex expression. It’s also because, at that time, I willingly shared my designs with her. I can’t blame anyone.” 

Sophia opened her mouth but remained silent

Violet stepped out of the elevator. Let’s go. It’s lunchtime. Let me treat you to lunch. Just be careful in the future, and don’t get into conflicts with the people in the Design Department. Joanna is the only one really targeting me. There’s no need to treat everyone as an enemy. Most of the time, everyone is just blindly following the trend.” 

Sophia nodded hurriedly and followed Violet outside

While Violet and Sophia were halfway through lunch, they were interrupted by Russell

No one knew how Russell had found them. He just stood in front of the table where Violet and Sophia had lunch and was glaring at Violet with an angry expression. Violet, you’re quite something. I/underestimated you.” 

Violet frowned, noticing people around them looking over

She couldn’t help but sneer. What do you want to do?” 

Russell gave her a cold smile. I heard you’re involved with PatrickViolet stood up at once and cut him off. Let’s talk outside.” 

Russell glanced at Sophia and snorted coldly before walking outside. Violet reassured a worried Sophia, Don’t worry. Go ahead and eat.” 

After saying that, Violet quickly followed Russell outside

Once they were outside, Russell spoke grimly. Violet, you claimed on the internet that I was cheating on you. But what about you? You married Patrick. I was cuckolded, and you even made a plan to set me up. My reputation is now tarnished, and I might even face lawsuits

Tell me, if I reveal that you married Patrick and that the previous internet rumors were all false, and that you intentionally set me up, what do you think people will believe?Russell glared at Violet angrily

Violet looked at Russell as if he was foolish. False? There are countless videos and audio recordings as evidence. Do you really think people are that gullible? They won’t buy into your nonsense!” 

Then what about your marriage to Patrick? I didn’t fabricate that, did I?Russell’s gaze ensnared Violet’s like a viper

Violet couldn’t help but distance herself from him. So, what do you want?” 

Russell took a deep breath and raised his eyebrows. It’s quite simple, clarify things on the internet for me. State that you were already aware of Veronica and me being together, that you willingly provided me with all the designs, and 


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