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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Happy Breakup

Natalia left the Century Entertainment.

When she left, there were a few co-workers who came to see her off, but most of them did this out of respect.

After all, although she quit her job here, she wasn't leaving the industry. They might meet her again in the future.

Having a friend was better than having an enemy!

Natalia didn't blame them.

After reaching the parking lot, she put her belongings in the trunk, and drove directly towards the Miller Group.

Henry was an honest man and had already prepared the transferring documents and cheque.

When Natalia arrived at the Miller Group, Henry was in a meeting, and it was Chandler who received her.

There were three subsidiary companies under her name. Two of them were liquidated as she had requested last night, leaving only one.

Natalia readily signed the document and handed him her marriage arrangement paper.

The marriage arrangement was reached between her mother and the Miller family with carrot and stick when Natalia's mother was still alive.

At that time, she and Shawn had just been together for a short time. They were too young to get engage with each other then, so it was done in the traditional way.

Half a month after signing the marriage arrangement paper, Natalia mother died unexpectedly in a car accident.

Natalia wondered that maybe her mother had anticipated the accident, and that was why she made the arrangements before she left.

It was a pity that her mother's wish didn't come true. Right now, she lost not only her family, but also her fiancé.

Thinking about it, Natalia smiled to herself with self¬-deprecation.

After all the formalities were handed over, the meeting Henry was in was not over yet.

Chandler asked her if she wanted to sit down and wait for a while to greet the chairman before leaving, but Natalia politely declined his suggestion.

She had already gotten what she wanted, and there was no need for her to meet anyone from the Miller family.

After leaving the Miller Group, it was still early.

Natalia went to her store again, and the assistant who had returned to work stood up happily behind her desk when she saw her.

"Sister Natalia, our business is good today! We have dozens of orders within half a day."

Natalia smiled and encouraged her, "Good job, keep up!"

The shop assistant, Charlotte, was a young girl at her eighteen or nineteen. After receiving her encouragement, her exciting face flushed with joys.

Natalia picked up a white A4 sheet from her bag and posted it on the window.

Charlotte came over to look at it with curiosity and was startled when she saw Natalia was going to transfer this store.

"Sister Natalia, are you really going to transfer this store? Will you stop running it?"

Natalia nodded.

"Well, not anymore, but you can keep working here. I'll talk to the new boss personally to keep you."

Charlotte's face changed slightly.

In fact, Natalia had no choice but to make this decision.

If she wanted to start her own agency, she would definitely devote all her time into it. She was afraid that she wouldn't have time to run this store.

And even if the store was doing well, she had to transfer it considering her current situation.

After posting the transfer notice, Natalia chatted with Charlotte for a while before leaving.

She got nothing to do this afternoon, so she asked Victoria out and went shopping together.

Victoria, the No. 1 beauty in the entertainment industry today, was once named by a media magazine as "a rare beauty of our time".

She was the daughter of the chairman of the Topsun Group, and was Natalia's high school classmate. They were very close friends.

As soon as they met, Victoria asked her and sighed twice.

"Well, sister, as soon as I heard that you were dumped by a man, I rushed over to comfort you. But look at you; you are not sad at all!"

Natalia was a bit surprised. "How do you know that?"

"Well, the whole world knows that. And it's hard for me to ignore it!"


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