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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 We Did Not Ask You Here To Hook Up With Men

People had begun to mutter in low voice, "Who's that! She's so beautiful."

"I don't know. Maybe some guest from the Dawson family."

Five years ago, when Natalia left the Dawson family, she was still a little bit too young to show her beauty. And then she spent more of her time in the school so not many people had ever met her.

And now she's right in front of them, and nobody knew her.

But at least Jessica knew her.

At the moment, surrounded by a crowd of guests, she also felt surprised seeing the woman walking in from the door.

"Is that Natalia?"

As far as she could remember, Natalia was always dressed in her profession attire, and even when she was off work, she just wore some casual clothes.

Though she looked neat still, she looked boring and plain. Being around her for a long time, anyone would just think she lacked femininity.

Besides, she seldom did made-up, and she was quite careless with her hair. Her black and long hair was always left there naturally, making her look old.

If she were the daughter of some working-class family, she might also stand out, but in front of all these ladies of wealthy families, who would just pay a lot of attention to their face and hair every day, she would simply be shadowed.

Yet, someone like her, was like an angel today in the hall, surprising all of her guests.

She could not help clenching her fists.

The girls around her all asked out of curiosity, "Jessica, who is she? She is so beautiful! Did you invite her?"

"Would she be an actress as well."

"I don't think so. She would be so popular with her face should she be an actress. We should already know her."

The muttering around her was just needles, piercing through her heart one by one.

She gritted her teeth. After a while, she took a deep breath.

"Don't you know her? She's my sister, Natalia."


"How was it possible?"

They all looked shocked.

Jessica gave a warm smile, "It's alright. Natalia does look different from five years ago. If I just met her now, I won't believe it's her, either."

There was something in her words and someone immediately understood her.

"You mean, your sister had a surgery?"

"No wonder! I thought she was quite ordinary five years ago and she is stunning now!"

"Emm. Could it be the scandal of five years ago? She might be afraid of being teased at with her own face, so she changed it!"

"Hah, makes sense to me!"

And Jessica put on an embarrassed look on her face.

"Please, don't talk about my sister like that. It was not her fault five years ago."

"Jessica, you are just too kind. If she did not steal your work, you would go to Royal College of Art already."

"That's right. It has been too easy for her. She just went abroad for a few years and people just let her go. What about you? Who would ever compensate for your loss and sorrow?"

"If you ask me, now that she's returned, she will definitely go against you, Jessica. You better watch out for yourself."

Their muttering just continued. Jessica tried to stop them in a low voice and a flash of smile crossed her eyes.

In the meanwhile, Natalia walked up to Clara.

"What took you so long to get here."

Philip knit his brows in displeasure.

Natalia cast a cold glance at him and said in a cold voice, "I have shown you enough respect to be here, Mr. Dawson."



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