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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Disbelief

Dennis turned his head and looked at Archie with a fawning face, and he said hurriedly, "Mr. Archie, I didn't know Mrs. McCarthy before, but I did have heard some nice words about her, so when this old hag came to me, I was indeed tempted at the time."

"And tonight, I arrived early, and they found me and told me exactly what to do. They asked me to put the drug into the cocktail Mrs. McCarthy was drinking. And then they would tell everyone that we were in a relationship, and I could just take her away after the chaos. If I did make it, then Mrs. McCarthy would have to admit everything no matter what. And all of these troubles are just because Shawn Miller was once the boyfriend of Mrs. McCarthy."

"Miss Dawson hooked up with the boyfriend of her own sister and this old hag is indeed biased. This vicious snake did everything just to keep Mrs. McCarthy's mouth shut!"

"And I? I was just a pawn for her. I have got nothing to do with her vicious plan."

"More importantly, when I helped Mrs. McCarthy away just now in the hall, I did not mean to take advantage of her."

"Sure, I admired her beauty, but that's just before I know she is Mrs. McCarthy now. And for a woman I love, I would surely try to win her heart before I would do anything to her body. How would I even take advantage of her when she's in trouble?"

"I just thought, if I did not agree to them, they would just find another way to hurt Mrs. McCarthy. That's why I wanted to help her out of there."

"If I knew she's your wife, how would I possibly dare to hurt her. Mr. McCarthy, you sure can understand me!"

After his most touching speech, tears had welled up in his eyes.

If she hadn't seen through this scum's true face a long time ago, Natalia would have wanted to give him a medal to praise his heroic deeds!

She gave a light sneer, and Archie remained expressionless, simply looking at Clara, who was right next to him.

"And you. Do you have anything to say?"

After all, she had experienced a lot at her age, and now she looked much calmer than Dennis.

She just stared at Archie coldly and said in a stern voice, "He talked nonsense. I had never discussed anything with him. He put the drug himself and I knew nothing about it at all."

Archie curled his thin lips lightly, and an icy smile touched his eyes.

He pulled out another piece of paper from the stack lightly.

The fire flared up again, and the piece of paper was reduced to ashes.

The faces of the Dawsons all changed in an instant, and their pupils shrunk.

It was a clothing company owned by the Dawson family. While it's just a small family business, it was growing nicely.

In just about two minutes, an abrupt phone ring sounded.

Philip cast a glance at Archie and walked to the side to pick up the phone.

"What? How is that possible?"

The face of Clara whitened somewhat, and an idea struck her mind already.

But she found it unbelievable. What could Archie really do in such a short time?

Were it in the capital Eqitin, she believed Archie could really have the strength to wipe out a company with a snap of his fingers.

But here in Julio?

The Dawson family had taken root in the city, with countless and intricate connections everywhere. Sure he could not just wipe them out like that?

However, Philip hurried back and whispered a few words in her ear, shattering her last shred of hope.

She looked over at the man sitting on the couch in shock and disbelief, while the man was still as calm and cool as ever.

Archie smiled.

He didn't fly into a rage. The speed of his speech remained unhurried, and the tone of his voice calm and steady.

But she just felt this man was scary for no reason!

Even the air had become oppressive because of his smile.

Archie said indifferently, "One minute to go, who's next?"

As he said, he reached out to another company of the Dawsons.

Natalia watched it and didn't say anything.


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