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My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Honey

Archie looked at her with a wry smile, "How's that? Can you say it now?"

Natalia laughed awkwardly.

But while she was reluctant, he's been waiting, so there were no other ways to go.

It took a long while before she finally managed to force out a "Honey".

However, her voice was so low, and it was barely audible to herself.

Archie raised his eyebrows and brought his ear over, "What did you call me?"

Natalia gritted her teeth, raising her voice a little, "Honey."

"I can't hear you."

Natalia became even more nervous.

But finally, she gave up. She had been through a lot, why should she care about her face just now?

She simply threw her arms around his neck and suddenly came up to his ear and yelled, "Honey!"

After that, she let go of him immediately, and shrank back to the other side.

Archie was stunned.

Turning his head, he stared at her incredulously.

Natalia turned her face to the side, pretending to be calm.

But in fact, she was already so nervous, and her heart might just jump out of her chest any moment.

Suddenly, the giggles of a man sounded in her ear.

Startled, she thought to herself, 'Did I break anything when I yelled at him just now? Why's he laughing?'

She looked over curiously, and saw him holding back his laughter, "I just want you to call me Archie. I did not think you would be so passionate and call me honey. Emm ... then I will just follow your lead and call you honey as well!"

With that, he produced a little box from his pocket and slipped a delicate diamond ring onto her ring finger.

Natalia was stunned.

Her mind was now totally blank, and she could not even think properly anymore.

'What? What is going on?'

Before she could do anything, the man reached over again and held to his lips her hand on which he just put the ring, and gently gave it a kiss.

"Honey, happy marriage!"

Natalia totally didn't know what to say.

When her senses finally came back to her, she knew she had been tricked by this man.

Her delicate face suddenly flushed red in fury.

He just had planned it!

She was so angry and wanted to take the ring down but was stopped by him.

"Honey, you don't take your ring off easily. It's a mark. With it, you will only be mine. You can never regret it."

Natalia was about to cry.

"Archie McCarthy, I already want to regret it now. What should I do?"

"Then you should never think about that again."

He said in a domineering tone, and Natalia did not know what to do then.

But right at this moment, her rang with a 'ding' sound.

She could only pulled back her hands reluctantly. Anyway, this man had just helped her tonight, she would just leave everything for the time being and planned to talk about it later.

She produced her phone from her pocket and noticed that it was a message from Victoria Kaur.

There was also a link attached to it, which led to the video Archie had asked his men to release.

[Natalia, I just got off work and saw this, are you alright?]

Victoria had been busy with some night scenes recently. Except for those rare days off, she started her days normally in the afternoon and got back around five or six in the morning.

That's also why she did not go to the birthday banquet of Jessica.

Natalia wrote her a reply hurriedly.

[I'm fine. Don't worry.]

[Ok then, they really went too far. I was so angry!]

[They will get what they deserve.]

[Just tell me whenever you need my help. I will let my assistant keep an eye on my phone these days.]

Natalia smiled as a warm current flowed through her heart.

She then wrote a swift reply.

[Ok, thanks, Victoria.]


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