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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 1

Why did I have to be so curious? Is it really important to know everything and make sense of it all?

''Now look at me! Stuck in a broom closet at school because I had to follow Jaxon. Just great!'' I say to myself. Scared to death and definitely moments away from pissing my pants from all the growling going on outside.

I honestly knew something was weird with Jaxon but animals at school? Did he have a secret pet or some weird science experiment gone wrong?

Oh no....

He was the type to torture animals by doing twisted experiments on them. If that is the case then I can't just hide in here and let the boy I am secretly in love with do this to those poor animals, probably dogs or whatever.

Maybe I need to stop watching crime documentaries, especially with ones of serial killers and people with weird fetishes.

I need to find that courage I had when I stood up to my father and his vile wife. He is just a boy, what could possibly go wrong?

The broom closet door swings open before I could talk myself in to pointless bravery to reveal Azuri, looking at me with deadly eyes. I could've sworn her eyes changed colours.

"Pointless hiding in here. You were made the minute you arrived little human girl." Azuri says to me as she drags me out. She throws me on the floor as I land on a pair of white sneakers that look a little too muddy, even for me.

Little human girl? Guess I'm not dog enough to be tortured but I thought she was human too.

"Why did you follow me Hailey?" Jaxon's voice echoes through the school. He sounded different, a little deeper and it scared me.

I look up to come face to face with Brett. He smiles at me but it looks more evil as his incisors look strangely longer and pointy, and his face contorted in disgust. I look away, feeling a chill run up my spine just by his look alone.

Azuri yanks me up with so much force that I lose my balance and fall back down. On my way down back to the floor, I lock eyes with Jaxon.

He looked at me differently, not like the other times when we were together. He looked at me with so much anger, my heart sank. Why is he angry? He's the one torturing animals. Speaking of animals, I realize I don't hear growling anymore. My cowardice cost me the truth and judging by the looks they were all giving me, I was not about to get my way.


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