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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 10

Hailey's POV

"Hailey, your had been receiving death threats for some time before they actually acted upon those threats. It was letter after letter of someone promising to end her and in detail. I don't know who killed her but I have been trying to find out and I think they tried to kill me too." Aunt Tara said to me.

I blink my eyes once. Trying to digest her words. Blink again, as if I could hear my own heart shatter.

"I think I was getting close. I found a name in one of the letters, a Theo. Something about she belonged to him and she rejected him." She says and I hear her but my head is still stuck at the fact that my mother was murdered.

"I believe he wanted your father dead too but that man beat him to it. Theodore Young is the name I found during my hunt for your mother's killer and I seem to remember her having a brief relationship with a Theodore at summer camp in our high school days. Of course the relationship had to end because they lived so far away from each other but they tried to keep it alive by writing letters and calls through the telephone. I just wish I could find those letters." Aunt Tara says.

"I could try look for them back at the house?" I ask but she shakes her head no.

"Your mother moved out remember? She would've taken them with." Aunt Tara says to me but I shake my head no this time.

"We left in such a rush, we couldn't pack everything. There's boxes of my mother's stuff back at home, I'll take a look at them." I say and Aunt Tara smiles at me.

"Good. I'm sorry we lied to you about your mother. To tell you the truth, the police wrote it up as an accident and found someone to blame but your mother had left me voicemails the day before about being followed so I never believed it to be an accident." She says and I nod my head in understanding.

"Then how does the widow know my mother was killed?" I ask which has Aunt Tara bulging out her eyes.

"You need to get home now and get me those letters! And keep that boy around you all the time, you hear me? He looks like he can pack a punch." Aunt Tara says to me, scaring me.

I kiss her on the forehead before walking out the door.

I find Jaxon and Vincent sitting just outside the door.

"Ready to go?" Jaxon asks me.

"Wait, I still need to talk to my mom." Vincent says to us.

"That's fine, you'll find us at Hailey's house." Jaxon responds as he gently grabs my hand and we walk away, not sparing Vincent another second.

"My mom was murdered. Aunt Tara said that someone killed my mother." I say with a shaky voice.

"I heard. We are going to find out who did this and they are going to pay for hurting you." Jaxon says.

"You heard?" I ask and he just nods his head without looking at me.

We walk out of the hospital to find Brett waiting outside in front of a black SUV. When did he get here?

Jaxon opens the car door for me and I hop in. He closes the door and they talk for a few minutes, unable to hear anything they were saying. They eventually get in to the car, Jaxon sitting at the back with me as Brett drives us.

"Did he fly down with us?" I ask Jaxon.

"Nah. He drove down here, actually just arrived in time to fetch us from the hospital." Jaxon says to me.

I nod my head.


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