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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 13

Hailey's POV

"Good, you're still here." I say when I see my dad's twin in the kitchen with my grandmother.

My anger was the only thing keeping me from breaking down, keeping me from losing it completely. Anger was the only thing keeping me on my feet right now to demand some answers.

"Yes, I'm still here." He says.

I place the letter on the kitchen counter and slide it over to him. He eyes it suspiciously before looking at me.

"It's for you. Well for me but for you too." I say, giving him a nod to go ahead and read it.

Grandma Ferguson looks between us before grabbing the letter and reading it first. It was then that Jaxon walked in to stand next to me.

"Oh my.." Grandma says, clutching the Pearl's around her neck.

She hands the letter back to Theodore, who looks at his mother curiously before reading the letter. He takes his time, probably reading it over and over again. I see him steal glances at me as he reads the letter, grandma crying already.

With Brett holding her up, she was hysterical. As if her son just died and I wanted to join in, I mean my poor father. The man was betrayed by his own brother and my mother.

Everytime he looked at me, he saw himself, his brother. Every damn day I'd call him daddy, it would stab him in the heart because I was not his child. I was never his to begin with and my mother did this, they did this.

"My mother was with your brother! Now I know why he treated me the way he did." I shout out at Theodore, who was taking a little too long with reading the letter.

"Oh honey, your father had his demons. He was never good to you." Grandma Ferguson says through sobs.

"Oh what do you know? You were never there!" I say in frustration. I hear Theodore sort of growl. Probably groaned, humans don't growl.

"I know plenty. From the moment your mother knew she had you in her womb, he did not want you but your mother was not having it. I guess now I understand why she wanted you here on earth, you were made from love." Grandma says and I chuckle.

"From love? I'm a product of betrayal!" I say as the tears pool around my eyes.

"My mother, you biological father, betrayed my father! You all betrayed him and who can blame him?" I say, the tears finally staining my face, one after the other.

"Nonsense! I loved your mother and she loved me. You may never know that kind of love but it exists and now that I know she was killed, I will find out who did it, even if it ends up killing me." Theodore says.

"Oh just great! Another parent has to die. I guess you all just can't wait to get away from me. Everyone's dream is to leave me orphaned! You find out that I'm your daughter but all you care about is my dead mother." I shout out before running away, to my room.

I lock my door and fall to the soft carpet on my floor.

I let it all out. Losing my mother, losing my father and finding out he wasn't really mine. I cry over the fact that they all lied to me, they didn't care that I deserved to know the truth when they were both alive.

Instead of telling me that he hates me because I'm his brother's child, he abused me verbally every chance he got. He berated me whenever I didn't get anything right and everything was my fault, I was the bad luck he didn't need and I still loved him. I found the room to forgive him and keep him in my heart.

He hurt me so many times, day by day and now I knew why. How was I to know that I wasn't his? We look alike and I had no idea he had a brother!

'Guess that's why he never mentioned him.' A voice in my head says.


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