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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 28

Jaxon's POV

"Azuri, hey. Think you could come over?" I say over the phone.

"What did you have in mind?" She asks me, a little too excited and it hurt me that I was going to hurt her.


The one person I really don't want to hurt and that means making sure Azuri is out of the picture, for good.

Hailey is my mate and I can't wait to show her off to the world and tell them she's all mine but first, I have to tell Azuri. She is my friend, even before this... she deserves to hear it all from me before it gets to anyone.

I've hurt her enough, that much I know and this will be a blow but there's no better way to do this. It will hurt now and for some time but I have to tell her, as my friend.

"Hello?" Azuri calls out.

"Yeah sorry. No, I just have something to tell you. Actually, let me come over. I'll be there in 5." I walk out of the house as I say this.

"Cool. See you soon." Azuri says excitedly.


Walking to her house, I keep trying to rehearse on how I'll break this down to her. I mean, I know for a fact that she will be hurt but I just, I'm just not sure how she will react.

As a warrior, she understands how things work and Hailey is of alpha blood, meaning that she is and will be valued more than a simple warrior.. Hailey is also my mate which will soon make her the Luna of this pack, trumping Azuri once again. I am hoping she thinks of this before trying anything.

Hailey may not be well trained yet, she has a lot to make up for and Azuri could use this to her advantage but why would she stand against a woman, a female wolf that is to bring the first pup in to this world, this pack.

For the first time ever, my mate and I get to have full blooded wolves in the pack, this world! Rendering them the strongest children ever. A future alpha that not one person will ever dare to cross.

I find my way to Azuri's house pretty quickly with all these thoughts swimming in my head and I don't even get to knock because she answers the door in a silk robe.

I mentally groan.

She pulls me into the house and slips the robe off. Standing before me, all naked but with high heels on.

"Azuri, please get dressed. I'm not here for sex." I say but she doesn't listen, as she walks around me trying to taunt me but it doesn't work.

Azuri starts feeling me up, from my shoulders and down my chest until she gets to her goal, realizing she's not having the desired effect on me.

"What's this?" She asks annoyed.

"I told you I want to talk. I'm not here for any of this, not now not ever so get dressed. I'll be on the couch." I say, picking up her robe and handing it to her.

I walk away from her, making my way to the couch and she follows, finally dressed.

"Azuri, I found my mate." I say and she laughs.


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