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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 3

I walk in to the school's office.

"Hello dear, the restroom is in the opposite direction. You are going go mess up my carpets!" An old woman shrieks as she runs to me with a hundred tissues in hand.

She wipes my face and hair gently, throwing away every used tissue in the bin. The gentleness in her actions has me gulp down a sob that was threatening to come out as it reminded me of my mother.

"What happened dear?" She asks.

"A girl in my class. She did this because her boyfriend sat with me during lunch period." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Azuri will never learn. Let me get the head mistress for you." She says before throwing me a look of pity.

Argh I hate that.

I sit down, playing games on my phone as I wait to be called in to the principal's office. A few minutes go by until I'm called in..

I walk in to an office. The head mistress was not in yet so I remain standing.

"Ah, miss Ferguson. Please, sit down." The lady says to me and I sit opposite the head mistresses chair.

"I'm head mistress Gellar. What happened to you?" She asks.

"Azuri happened. I would like to know what steps the school takes to combat bully behavior? It is only my first day and yet I've been subjected to being a punching bag." I say making the head mistress to let out a sigh.

She presses some sort of buzzer that has the reception lady rush in to the office.

"Call for Azuri." She says and the receptionist nods her head before walking away. The fact that the school teachers knew it was Azuri without me saying her name was alarming.

"I am sorry you have to go through this. I will sort this out, in the mean time, head back to the dorms and freshen up." She says and I nod my head.

As I stand up, Azuri walks in. Eyeing me but the head mistress calls her out.

"Azuri, this is the third strike. I'm afraid I'll have to expel you. I'll be calling your parents to come pick you up and let them know of the different options for home schooling." The head mistress tells her.

I was just through the door before Azuri pulls me by my hair again. Throwing me to the ground, head first. One could hear the loud thud when my head hit the floor followed by another as the rest of my body follows.

"Azuri! She's human!" The head mistress says or I think she said that. I was seeing black spots as my ears were ringing.

I could hear shouting and people running around me. I felt someone carry me, someone with warm hands as one held my exposed thigh.

"Shhh I've got you now..." the soothing voice said before I blacked out.

I jolt awake, sitting up too quickly making my head hurt. My hands shooting up to hold my head as events of the day play through my mind. The last thing I remember is Azuri pullinv my hair again.

I look around and see that I'm in my dorm room. I was changed in to my pajamas, my hair did not feel sticky but boy did my head hurt.

"Here, take this." A voice said. I look to my left and there is Jaxon, holding out two white pills and a glass of water.

"Who..." I try to say pointing at my pajamas and he chuckles.

"Would it be such a bad idea if I did it?" He asks and my eyes bulge out at the thought of him seeing me naked.

"Calm down, the school nurse changed you out of your clothes. Look, I'm sorry you had to experience all of that. I need you to know that she is not my girlfriend, we are just casually hooking up." Jaxon says and I scoff at him.

"She has feelings for you. Maybe stop hooking up with her if you don't want her acting a fool in the name of love." I say and he nods his head in agreement.

"Yeah, you're right." He says looking at his shoes.

"Besides, we can never be together together." He says and I raise my eyebrow at that.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"Our families would never allow it. You're new here so there are some things you won't understand but in time you will. My family is a big deal in this town and school, they would never approve of her and I'm not in to her like that anyway." He says and I chuckle.

"You are in to her if you are hooking up with her and only her." I say and this time we both chuckle.


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