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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 38

Hailey's POV

I love being on time. I want to be on time for everything and back when I was still human, or thought I was, school was something I would always be on time for.

As I sit on my shower floor, contemplating my life and what has become of it, I start to cry. The thought of someone dying in front of me, just their head chopped off and their blood splattering all over me, I just want to curl in to a ball until the puke rises up and finds its way out. I know for a fact, that I will not hold it together when I see a dead body and with everyone expecting me to just go with it?

I want to fit in. I want to make my father proud, he has been there for me way more than the man I called dad for the longest time but to sit there with him, to watch and then walk away proudly as their blood coats the places I would rather stay dry, I just don't know if anyone is taking in to consideration just how all of this is making me feel.

A knock on my bathroom door, more like a bang has me standing up abruptly and covering myself, barely with just my hands.

"Come on kiddo. It's time, we all can't wait for you." I hear my dad speak. Groaning, I switch off the water, wondering why I had the shower anyway if all I am going to be is a crimson mess.

I dry up, putting on a simple black dress and sandals before opening the door for dearest dad.

"Ready?" He asks me and I nod my head yes. I can't say it in words because then he would know I am a liar and I honestly can't have someone else think of me as coward. Werewolves hate a coward and in the human world, I would get teased but at least I can just comfort myself by saying I am human, what do I have now? Forced to quickly rise up to being an alphas daughter and accepting everything they have known all their lives as bible.

We walk out of the house, people waiting in line for us and we lead the way to where the prisoners were held. As soon as we get to the front, I see a few dead bodies already on the floor, headless and I did not want to look around for their heads. They had saved Stacey for me, her body battered and blue right in front of me as she kneels on the ground.

I pick up Jaxon's scent, to my left and I barely fight myself to not look his way, this was something I needed to focus on, the beheading of my stepmother. I don't know what looking at Jaxon will do to me, I have a few ideas on how I will react but those feelings will stay underground for now, keeping me steady on my feet is of the utmost importance right now...

"As we reach the final beheading of the day, we ask that our alpha do the honors." Cayden's father says out loud, the crowd cheering him on and I stay still. trying to keep a straight face and with all the blood oozing out of the neck and painting the grass green, the smell of it, I was dying inside and I was not about to add on to the torture by being a good sport.

Chapter 37 1


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