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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620

The parental test not only measured parents' finances, but also examined their relationship with their kids.

A kid could only be admitted if she was recommended and if her parents passed the test.

The requirements were all but as rigorous as those in selecting and training stars...

"Look! We need to attach a short video to show that we and our kid get along well when submitting the registration form. " Joanne became puzzled.

Edwin gave a light cough. "The kindergarten has a reason to require it. Think about this. If a kid lives in an unharmonious family and behaves abnormally, won't such a kid affect other kids after entering school?"

Joanne took a glance at the deadline for the registration form, which was only two days away.

'But now Tail and Edwin are not close...

'How can we have a video in which Tail and Edwin get along well?' Joanne was brooding.

Having read her mind, Edwin raised his eyebrows and squeezed her cute nose. "I'll arrange for a professional photographer to follow us when we go shopping tomorrow." A professional photographer usually took satisfying pictures and videos.

But Joanne bit her lower lip and asked, "Will it be very artificial?"

"That depends on how you talk with Tail." Edwin let Joanne deal with the matter, seeming to be smiling.

Though Tail treated Edwin coldly, she loved Joanne. As long as Joanne coaxed her to be close to Edwin, it was possible that Tail would be so.

Chapter 1620 1

Chapter 1620 2


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