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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623

"She won't fall for your trick. Come on, sweetheart. Let's walk around over there."

Tail thought for a moment and remembered that the photographer seemed to be still following them. So, she grabbed Edwin's rough hand and blinked her watery eyes." You have to keep your promise, Daddy."

Joanne was stunned.

When Edwin brought so many delicacies to the ward, Tail hadn't given in.

But today, she called Edwin Daddy just for a lollipop.

Edwin's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe his ears.

Tail called him Daddy? Did she really do that?

"What did you just call me? Come again!" he said, his voice trembling with excitement.

Tail repeated seriously despite her reluctance, "Daddy."

"You're so sweet!" Edwin exclaimed, picking up the girl and lifting her high. He put his face close to hers. "I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time. Come on, give Daddy a kiss."

Tail hesitated. "No. Your beard is prickly."

"Then can I kiss you?" Edwin couldn't contain his excitement. His eyes shone like stars as he pecked Tail on her lips.

Her lips were so soft. She was more adorable than any child he had ever seen.

Tail stood there frozen.

What her mother had told her suddenly occurred to her.

Chapter 1623 1

Chapter 1623 2

Chapter 1623 3


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