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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 1624

Chapter 1624

Chapter 1624

Edwin received the admission interview materials for St. Pierre Kindergarten.

The entrance examination for the children was relatively simple, consisting of basic questions with no fixed answers. Extra points were even awarded for special skills.

But for the parents, it was a different story.

Joanne held a thick stack of question collections, thicker than any script she had ever seen.

Raising a child nowadays was no easy feat.

When mothers were pregnant, parents had to worry about the cost of formula. After the children were born, they had to worry about choosing the right school.

After the children were enrolled, the parents had to worry about their performance and school bullying. When the children grew up, the parents had to worry about their prospects and relationships.

"These are entrance examination questions for parents from previous years. I got them from Ced. The school will probably select a few at random to ask us, so as long as we mesmerize the answers, it will be fine," Edwin explained.

"Did Cat and Cedrick also take the entrance interview test?" Joanne asked.

"Yes. The rules of this kindergarten are very strict. No one gets special treatment, no matter their family background," Edwin replied unblinkingly.

With renewed vigor, Joanne opened the question collections and began to study and memorize the interview questions.

Chapter 1624 1

Chapter 1624 2

Chapter 1624 3


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