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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Trevor was right. After the first cup, Emma was forced to drink again and again. It didn’t take long before she drank a toast with all the men in the room, except Wesley and ‘Trevor

If gazes could kill, Trevor would have sliced her into cight pieces by now. It was not that she could not sense him, but she simply could not be bothered to pay attention to him. Therefore, he turned to look at Wesley sitting nearby with an obvious meaning. You like her, don’t you? Are you just going to watch her get drunk?

Wesley received the message in Trevor’s eyes, but he continued to remain calm and firin. The truth was that he had been worried at the beginning. However, he noticed that her expression remained unchanged and she didn’t look nervous. Thus, he immediately relaxed.

Based on his understanding of her, she was not the kind of person wito acted impulsively without regard for the consequences. Since she chose to continue drinking with them, that could only mean that she was confident in her ability to hold her liquor.

For that reason alone, Wesley’s reaction nearly made Trevor mad with rage. You lousy boss.

When Cerys saw her employer’s terrible expression, she quickly struck up a conversation with Emma lo prevent Emma from being forced to drink again. She asked Emma in concern, “Miss Yates, are you okay?”

Emma gave Cerys a shallow smile. “I’m fine.”

Aside from the slight need to head to the toilet, she did not feel anything else as her head was not dizzy and her steps were steady.

Cerys was amazed. “Your ability to hold your liquor is frightening.”

Emma laughed and replied, “Part of my ability is innate while the other part was, well, accidentally trained from drinking too much.”

Cerys exclaimed, “Do you drink a lot?”

She could not imagine her previous lady bbss drinking often with such a gentle appearance.

Emma explained, “It’s not like I drink all the time. It’s just that I drank quite a lot during my days in college.”

Susanna was discovered by a talent scout when they were in college. At the time, she

was under great stress because she had only just debuted in the industry. Combined with the fact that she had been troubled by relationship matters, she constantly dragged Emma out for drinking sessions with her. Moreover, she would drink far too much every single time. That was how they both ended up training their alcohol tolerance.

Emma was chatting with Cerys when the director stood up unsteadily with his wine glass in hand and tried to continue drinking with Emma.

“Miss Yates, I didn’t expect you to have such high alcohol tolerance. Why didn’t we hear about it before?” Trevor suddenly spoke to Emma, forcing the director to sit down again.

His remarks were somewhat of a warning, especially his last sentence. He was indirectly accusing her of deceiving him during the three years they spent together. She had always claimed that she could not drink, but it turned out that she was capable of drinking without becoming drunk.

Emma detected his questioning tone, so she looked at him and explained herself indifferently. “I’ve always had a high alcohol tolerance. It’s just that an accident that occurred four years ago gave me a traumatic experience, so I didn’t dare to drink again for many years. However, I’ve gotten over it now. So, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Her words were the truth. Four years ago, she had been set up by her father and her brother, causing her to become entangled with Trevor,

Trevor believed that she was in cahoots with her father and her brother; that she felt no shame in using such tricks; that she was shallow and greedy for wealth. As a result, that incident had impacted her so badly that she vowed never to drink again.

And now, it was just as she said-she had gotten over her Trauma.

After Trevor finished listening to her explanation, his eyebrows furrowed tightly together. Four years ago? Isn’t that around the time when she had an affair with me? If my memory serves me right, she seems to have drunk some alcohol on that day. When she mentioned an accident, could she be referring to that night four years ago? But, didn’t she come to me on her own? Why is she calling it an accident?


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