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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 14

Three days later.

The Judd family reserved the top floor of a five-star hotel in Yanjing. Generally speaking, people would place the wedding photo and signs at the door of the hotel. However, Judd family was so abnormal and low-key that the guests didn't feel any happiness until they got out of the elevator and arrived at the door of banquet hall.

Jocelyn followed Morrison family to get out of the elevator, while the servant beside pushed Arthur's wheelchair.

She looked at the entrance of the banquet hall which was not far away. There, the figure in the tuxedo slowly came into her eyes, which was becoming clearer and clearer just as she had been familiar with before.

"Grandpa, Aunt Morrison, we have been looking forward you for a long time."

At the moment when she looked at Stan nearly, Jocelyn was still stunned.

It was the first time she had seen the man she had loved for three years from an outsider's point of view.

A tailored black tuxedo was very delicate and the lily and the label written on "groom" were decorated on his chest. She remembered clearly that the dress was customized for him personally in Italy when the two decided to get engaged.

Thinking that, Jocelyn sneered.

His fiancee had just died for such a short time. Stan was busy with marrying another woman. She had thought that he loved this woman very much. However, he didn't even spend the time customizing a new dress. It was ridiculous to marry to another woman but wear the old clothes.

After greeting the Morrison family, he finally looked at Jocelyn and then he was confused, "This is..."

Jocelyn married Arthur three years ago and they just met once at the wedding ceremony. And then she was imprisoned soon. It was understandable that Stan didn't remember her.

Julia sneered, with her eyes full of contempt, waiting to see Jocelyn's embarrassed look.


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