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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 36

Arthur froze for a while with doubts, but it was just for a while.

“No, stay quiet and mind your own business.”

After that, another bullet flied over. It grazed Arthur's ear, leaving a bloody mark.

Jocelyn was afraid to move and whispered.

“Who are they?”

“They can be anybody." Arthur looked calm and looked around. His eyes fell on the soldier sitting on the passenger’s seat. "Did you just say you want to help me?”

“Yes.” Jocelyn came back to herself. “What do you want me to do? "

“Give me that gun.”

There was a gun on the soldier’s back. He was already bleeding. Jocelyn thought that he was probably dead.

Jocelyn took a cold breath.

“Scared?” Arthur asked.

It was normal to be afraid, not to mention a woman like Jocelyn.

“Give me a knife.” Jocelyn reached out to him and said. "Plus, you pinned me down, I can not move. Just move yourself.”

Then, under Arthur's surprised gaze, Jocelyn grabbed a Swiss army knife, crawled under the seat, and cut off the rope tied to the gun. Finally, she got the gun.

She was so calm that she did not even shake her hands in the whole process.

“Here you go.”

Jocelyn crawled under the seat beside the pedal and handed the rifle to Arthur, who was still lying there.

Arthur had no time to think about it, put his gun at a comfortable angle in his hand, put it on the window with full of broken glass on it, and shot at a few figures in a distant garden.

“Enemies are all cleared at 12 o'clock, I will draw fire. You search sniper on the top floor as soon as possible.”


In a flash of lightning, Jocelyn's ears were filled with gunfire and screams as the enemy fell to the ground.

She could see Arthur's cold face when she raised her head. Now he was like a real soldier when he commanded calmly. His charm could not be concealed at all.

It was hard to imagine how an excellent man like him faced his own dignity and competitiveness when his legs were wounded in the middle of a drill.

Jocelyn analyzed by her own and heard the voice coming from the intercom.

“Snipers have been cleared, the special forces in the fourth zone have arrived, the enemy situation is basically relieved. Chief, are you all right?”

“I’m fine.”

As Arthur put his gun down, a guard came to open the door and changed car for Arthur. He got out of the car and sat in his wheelchair, with his eyes falling on Jocelyn, who was patting dust over her. The doubts in his eyes was more.

Jocelyn was choked by the smell of the bullet and sneezed. She accidently saw a dark hole from the rearview mirror.

She was still in a daze, and someone pushed her from behind. Then she heard Arthur’s low voice.

“Get out of the way...”

Before he finished his words, the bullet grazed Jocelyn's hair, straight hit the door of the car and blew out a black gray mark of coke.

Two guards on Arthur's side almost instantly killed the lurker in the flower bed.

Jocelyn fell on the ground, put her hands on the chest with fear.


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